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1LAC,HL�_rY A 5 <br />during the regular listing period be listed, assessed and taxed as <br />provided in this Subchapter. The assessor shall file repo:•-ts of such <br />discoveries with the board of commissioners in such manner as the <br />board may require.. <br />(c) -Carrying Forward Real Property. — At the close of the regu- <br />lar listing period each year, the assessor shall compare the tax lists <br />submitted during the listing period just ended with the lists for the <br />preceding year, and he shall carry forward to the lists of the current <br />year all real property that was listed in the preceding year but that <br />was not listed for the current year. When carried forward, the real <br />property. shall be listed in the name of the taxpayer who listed it in <br />the preceding year unless, under the provisions of G.S. 105 -302, it <br />must be listed iu the name of another taxpayer. Real property car- <br />ried forward in this manner shall be deemed to be discovered prop- <br />erty, and the procedures prescribed in subsection (d), below, shall <br />be followed unless the property discovered is listed in the name of <br />the taxpayer who listed it for the preceding year and the property is <br />not subject to appraisal under either G.S. 105 -286 or G.S. 105 -287 <br />in which case no notice of the listing and valuation need be sent to <br />the taxpayer. . <br />(d) Procedure for Listing, Appraising, and Assessing Discovered <br />Property. - 7 Subject to the provisions of subsection (c), above, and <br />the presumptions established -by subsection (f), below, discovered <br />property shall be listed by the assessor in the name of the person <br />required_by G.S. 105 -302 or G.S. 105 -306. The discovery shall be <br />deemed to be made on the date that the abstract is made or cor- <br />rected pursuant to subsection (e) of this section. The assessor shall <br />also make a tentative appraisal of the discovered property in accor- <br />dance with the best information available to him. <br />VL'hen a discovery is made, the assessor shall mail a notice to the <br />person in whose name the discovered property has been listed. The <br />notice shall contain the following information: <br />(1) The name and address of the person in whose name the <br />property is listed; <br />(2) A brief description of the property; <br />(3) A tentative appraisal of the property; <br />(4) A statement to the effect that the listing and appraisal will <br />become final unless written exception thereto is filed with <br />the assessor within 30 days from date of the notice. <br />Upon receipt of a timely exception to the notice of discovery, the <br />assessor shall arrange a conference with the taxpayer to afford him <br />the opportunity to present any evidence or argument he may have <br />regarding the discovery. Within 15 days after the conference, the <br />assessor shall give written notice to the taxpayer of his final deci- <br />sion. Written notice shall not be required, however, if the taxpayer ^' <br />signs an agreement accepting the listing and appraisal. In cases in <br />which agreement is not reached, the taxpayer shall have 15 days <br />from the date of the notice to request review of the decision of the <br />assessor by the board of equalization and review or, if that board is <br />not in session, by the board of commissioners. Unless the request <br />for review by the county board is given at the conference, it shall be <br />made in writing to the assessor. Upon receipt of a timely request for <br />review, the provisions of G.S. 105 -322 or G.S. 105 -325, as appropri- <br />ate- shall be. followed::.. - <br />(e) Record of Discovered Property. -- When pr opertv is discov- <br />ered, the taxpayer's original abstract (if one was submitted) may be <br />112 <br />