Orange County NC Website
i 4 <br />IMPACT OF LAND DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF GENERATING <br />REVENUES TO PAY PART OF THE COSTS OF CAPITAL FACILITIES <br />REQUIRED BY GROWTH <br />The County Attorney gave a brief overview of this <br />proposed local legislation. <br />Sue Baker, member of the Chapel Hill /Carrboro School <br />Board stated that at their January 28th meeting the Board agreed <br />to support this proposed legislation. Their school system is <br />projected to gain 2,000 more students by the end of this decade <br />which will bring them up to 8,000. They do not have facilities for <br />their present population and will need additional facilities for <br />this new population. They feel that for the taxpayers of Orange <br />County the bill is a fair way of spreading the burden of providing <br />for the needs of the children. She stated that their board would <br />be willing to lobby in any way the Board desires. <br />Larry Carroll spoke on behalf of the Home Builders Association <br />of Durham and Chapel Hill. He stated their opposition is <br />absolutely adamant since Orange County has in place a wide range <br />of impact fee authority. They will help the County develop a <br />reasonable program. Purchasers of future homes should not be <br />forced to pay through impact taxes and property taxes for catching <br />up on deferred capital spending. <br />7. A BILL TO LEVY AN OCCUPANCY TAR WITH THE EXPRESS AUTHORITY FOR <br />THE USE OF SOME OF ITS PROCEEDS FOR A COUNTY VISITOR'S BUREAU. <br />Ted Abernathy stated that in the EDC Strategic Plan adopted <br />in May, 1989, Challenge 9 was to start a program to attract and <br />serve visitors, to develop and implement countywide programs that <br />attract visitors and at the same time encourage the preservation <br />and appreciation of historic and cultural and natural resources. <br />One of the recommendations from this workgroup was to establish a <br />one percent dedicated occupancy tax and to get the enabling <br />legislation for a three percent tax countywide occupancy tax. Both <br />Chambers, the Public Partnership Board and the EDC Board endorsed <br />in concept those bills and resolutions. He feels these funds will <br />help provide a tourism program countywide. <br />Ken Jackson, resident and business owner in orange <br />County, stated there are lots of people that like to come to Chapel <br />Hill to shop. He is in favor and supports all efforts directed <br />toward implementing a countywide tourist bureau. He feels that <br />with coordinated efforts throughout the County and by using the <br />resources of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough, and using the <br />resources of the organization he hopes will be establish, everyone <br />will benefit. He feels there needs to be a coordinated effort to <br />help groups coming to the area to find a place to stay, eat, shop, <br />etc. He feels this bureau would help to coordinate this effort. <br />Bruce Holsten, Executive Director of the Chapel <br />Hill /Carrboro Downtown Commission, unequivocally supports the <br />. formation <br />of an Orange County Visitors Service Authority. He stated the <br />Downtown commission supports this program and strongly encourage <br />