Orange County NC Website
303 <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes presented for consideration <br />of approval the Phase I Classification Study changes to the Orange <br />County Classification and Pay Plan as stated on pages <br />attached to these minutes. It will cost approximately $30,000 to <br />implement these changes. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Insko to approve the adoption of the Phase I Classification <br />Study changes to the Orange County Classification and Pay Plan with all <br />classification changes, salary grade changes, and salary increases to <br />be effective January 7, 1991. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. E911 1GIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the E911 /GIS consulting agreement with <br />Richard J. Taylor in the amount of $13,600 and authorize the Chair to <br />sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />E. FEASIBILITY STUDY - NC 54 WIDENING <br />The proposed widening of NC 54 would be from I -85/40 in <br />Burlington to the NC 54 Bypass in Chapel Hill. The widening project as <br />it extends through Orange County would include widening NC 54 to four <br />lanes -- two twelve foot lanes going both east and west. The right-of- <br />way would be increased from 120 feet to 200 feet in width. The project <br />is included in the 1990 -96 Transportation improvement for feasibility <br />study but is not currently funded. The Planning Department staff listed <br />in the agenda abstract some potential problems that need to be further <br />studied by NCDOT. The Planning Board also made comments which are <br />included in the agenda abstract. The purpose for widening NC54 is not <br />clearly defined by the Department of Transportation. <br />After a brief discussion, it was decided that a public hearing <br />on the proposal to do a feasibility study would be held with the other <br />Governing Boards and OWASA on January 22. Transportation officials will <br />be requested to explain what they intend to do in this project. <br />F. MATERNAL CARE COORDINATION <br />Health Director Dan Reimer reported that the legislature has <br />allocated $500,000 for FY 90 -91 to create additional Maternal Care <br />Coordination positions. These funds will be allocated to those health <br />departments which apply on the basis of a demonstrated, unmet need. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chairman <br />Carey to endorse the Orange,County Health Department's application for <br />the Maternal Care Coordinator funds, approve the addition of a Maternal <br />Care Coordination position with continuation of the position contingent <br />upon Medicaid revenue sufficient to cover the cost of the position; and <br />authorize the signature of the Agency Director and the. Agency Finance <br />Officer on the statement of assurance which must accompany the <br />application of funds. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chairman Carey asked that a report showing the Medicaid <br />billings for those served by this new position be prepared and provided <br />