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`.1N. <br />determine what local bills they want to submit, schedul e <br />hearing and schedule a meeting with the delegation in early <br />II. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT - NONE <br />III. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA - NONE <br />a publi. <br />January. <br />IV. AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br />A. MATTERS ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />Chairman Carey announced that those in the audience who want <br />to speak to items on the printed agenda will be recognized at the <br />appropriate time. <br />B. MATTERS NOT ON THE PRINTED AGENDA - NONE <br />PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Chairman Moses Carey, Jr. read the public charge. <br />V. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA - NONE <br />VI. RESOLUTIONS PROCLAMATIONS - NONE <br />VII. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br />IX. REPORTS <br />A. ANIMAL CONTROL 1989 -90 ANNUAL REPORT <br />Dan Reimer and E1ma Johnson presented an overview of the <br />Orange County animal control program activities during FY 1989 -90. In <br />response to questions from various Board members, Ms. Johnson clarified <br />some of the statistics included in the report. Figure one demonstrates <br />the number of animals that the County Animal Control Officers are <br />actually taking into the animal shelter. Figure two demonstrates the <br />total amount of animals being taken into the animal shelter. In Orange <br />County, the animal control officers will pick up 75% of all animals that <br />are admitted to the animal shelter from their program area. The <br />remainder come in from other sources. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked about the origin of the animals <br />entering the shelter. Ms. Johnson indicated that Orange County <br />contributes 48 %, Chapel Hill 17% and Carrboro 7 %. Commissioner Willhoit <br />feels it important to have these figures by township so that priorities <br />can be set. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Inskq, Ms. Johnson <br />explained the procedure that is followed before a pet owner is fined. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that Animal Control identify, by <br />geographical area, the number of complaints, the number of animals <br />picked up and number of animals licensed. This data will be used to <br />support the 1991 -92 budget. <br />B. REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS ON ORANGE COUNTY HEAL'i <br />INDICATORS <br />