Orange County NC Website
►, r <br />r <br />O R A N G E C O U N T Y <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 1,1990 <br />SUBJECT: Z -4 -90 - DOROTHY C. BANE - REZONING <br />DEPARTMENT: PLANNING <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Application for Rezoning <br />Planning Staff Memo <br />Planning Staff Findings <br />Agency Comments <br />Area Proposed for Rezone <br />Certificate of Mailing <br />Draft 8/30/90 Public Hearing <br />Minutes <br />Draft 9/17/90 Planning Board <br />Minutes <br />Action A ends <br />Item #9 <br />PUBLIC HEARING Yes —x—No <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: Eddie Kirk <br />Extension 2582 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough - 732 -8181 <br />Durham - 688 -7331 <br />Mebane - 227 -2031 <br />Chapel Hill - 967 -9251 <br />PURPOSE: To consider a rezoning request submitted by Dorothy C. <br />Bane and Willie F. Ward. <br />BACKGROUND: The property in question is located on the south side <br />of US 70 approximately 750 feet west of Mount Herman <br />Church Road (SR 1713). It is known as part of Lot 35, <br />Tax Map 26 of Eno Township. The total tract contains <br />approximately 2 acres and fronts on US 70 for a length <br />of approximately 25 feet. Access is proposed to be <br />provided by a private road that extends along the <br />south side of the property. The current zoning on the <br />property is R -1 (Rural Residential). The proposed <br />zoning is I -1 (Light Industrial). The I -1 zone allows <br />a limited range of uses (see attached staff memo). <br />The area is designated as Twenty Year Transition and <br />Commercial /Industrial Node in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Letters have been submitted from the Orange County <br />Sheriff's Department and Orange County EMS for rescue <br />and fire response. These letters indicate that <br />services can be provided. <br />Agency comments have been received from the Health <br />Department and the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation. The Orange County Health Department <br />has indicated the soil is suitable for a septic <br />system. This system would only be approved for <br />bathroom waste. The North Carolina Department of <br />