Orange County NC Website
r <br />2 <br />MAP # 7.67.F.9 ' <br />TRACT # 713637 <br />ACCOUNT # 23557 <br />BILL # 23451 <br />RATE CODE 17 <br />William. L. Hunt <br />P.O. Box 637 <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />COMMENT: Mr. Hunt is requesting a refund on the basis of a <br />clerical error on the above referenced parcel under the contention that <br />it wa,s exempt as being "Property of the Town of Chapel Hill" <br />Actually, the parcel is not and has never been deeded to the Town of <br />Chapel Hill and it would have been inappropriate to include the <br />statement on any legal documents. However, a review indicates that the <br />parcel is restricted from development by Chapel Hill restrictions and <br />is considered set -aside area with no developmental rights. <br />REFERENCE: G.S.105- 381(a)(1)a. A tax imposed through clerical error. <br />ACTION REQUESTED: If approved the following refund is determined for <br />$194.64 $217.09 <br />$194.64 <br />217.09 <br />309.96 <br />333.48 <br />358.32 <br />$1,413.49 TOTAL <br />$309.96 $333.48 $358.32 <br />RECOMMENDATION: This property does not fit the "clerical error" <br />guidelines that have been used in the past. with the submission of new <br />evidence, we agree that the property should have a nominal value and <br />the adjustment has been made for 1990. But under the current laws and <br />guidelines, I cannot recommend a refund for the previous 5 years. <br />ORDER: <br />DATE: <br />the previous <br />5 years. <br />1985 <br />- 1986 ($24,150) <br />1987 - <br />1989 ($38,222) <br />GO <br />$140.07 $156.97 <br />$231.62 <br />$246.53 . $271.37 <br />FJ <br />12.07 12.07 <br />15.28 <br />19.11 19.11 <br />CH <br />42.50 48.05 <br />63.06 <br />67.84 67.84 <br />$194.64 $217.09 <br />$194.64 <br />217.09 <br />309.96 <br />333.48 <br />358.32 <br />$1,413.49 TOTAL <br />$309.96 $333.48 $358.32 <br />RECOMMENDATION: This property does not fit the "clerical error" <br />guidelines that have been used in the past. with the submission of new <br />evidence, we agree that the property should have a nominal value and <br />the adjustment has been made for 1990. But under the current laws and <br />guidelines, I cannot recommend a refund for the previous 5 years. <br />ORDER: <br />DATE: <br />