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O R A N G E C O U N T Y <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 1, 1990 <br />Action Agenda <br />Ite■ # - =Y-6 <br />SUBJECT: County Engineer's report on Hillsborough's new reservoir <br />siting initiatives and progress in resolution of sewer <br />bottleneck problem, and on the Camp New Hope sewer problems <br />DEPARTMENT: Manager PUBLIC HEARING: Yes _x —No <br />ATTACHMENT(S h None INFORMATION CONTACT: County Engineer <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough - 732 -8181 <br />Durham - 688 -7331 <br />Mebane - 227 -2031 <br />Chapel Hill - 967 - 9251/968 -4501 <br />PURPOSE: To present information on several utility related issues <br />as requested by the Board of County Commissioners in its <br />meeting of September 18, 1990. <br />BACKGROUND: New Hill sborou h Reservoir Siting Initiatives -The <br />Hillsborough Town Board, in official action in a special <br />Board meeting on September 17, 1990, awarded an engineering <br />contract for the study of potential sites for a small raw <br />water reservoir on the west fork of the Eno River to John <br />Pridgen, P.E., a consulting engineer. Pridgen's report, <br />which is to address potential sites, dam construction and <br />cost, reservoir inundation area and capacity, reservoir <br />drainage areas and yields. and potential impacts on area <br />inhabitants, property and roads. is scheduled to be <br />formally presented to the Town Board at its regularly <br />scheduled meeting on November 12, 1990. <br />Hillsborough Sewer Bottleneck - The Town of Hillsborough <br />has been meeting with several key owners of property in <br />area of the sewer bottleneck and with engineers to resolve <br />the problems which have thus far prevented the beginning of <br />the construction which is required to alleviate the <br />bottleneck situation. Progress has been made in <br />resolving the problems, and final resolution is expected to <br />occur by the middle of November. 1990. <br />CamP New Ho Re Sewer Problems -In early July. 1990, while <br />working with the staff of Camp New Hope to site a repair <br />