Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. V E} <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: OCTOBER 1, 1990 <br />SUBJECT: RECOGNITION OF 1990 NACo AWARD RECIPIENTS <br />DEPARTMENT: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING YES: NO: X <br />ATTACHMENT(S): NONE INFORMATION CONTACT: B/C OFFICE <br />TELEPHONE NUMBER - <br />Hillsborough - 732 -8181 <br />Chapel Hill - 968 -4501 <br />Mebane - 227 -2031 <br />Durham - 688 -7331 <br />PURPOSE: To recognize and congratulate County departments that received <br />NACo Awards in 1990. <br />BACKGROUND: During 1989 -90 Orange County initiated many enhancements to <br />programs and activities. The NACo Achievement Awards program, now in its <br />18th year, gives National recognition to significant, innovative <br />activities that improve the management or services of member counties. <br />Two programs were submitted and both won awards. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Recognize the achievements of the following departments <br />and present to each a certificate and plaque. <br />1. Land Records Computer Access System <br />Roland Lee <br />Roscoe Reeve <br />Betty June Hayes <br />2. Friends of Black Children <br />Marti Pryor -Cook <br />3. Coordinated Agency Transportation (C.A.T.) Program <br />Jerry Passmore <br />