Orange County NC Website
DRAFT SUMMARY OF NEA GRANT PROPOSAL <br />Regional Appearance Committee <br />Triangle J Council of Governments <br />September 1990 <br />Grant Amount Requested: $50,000. <br />Regional Ima= Guidelines <br />In 1989 the Triangle J Council of Governments ( TJCOG) concluded the first phase of a NEA funded region <br />appearance assessment with the publication of Building a Regional Image (BRI). This document summarize( <br />the findings of a comprehensive survey of 230 local government elected and appointed officials in the 6- count7 <br />Region J area on issues related to community and regional appearance. The report also contained eg nera <br />recommendations to protect and enhance the Region's visual image. NEA funding is now being sought to assis <br />with the 2nd phase of this work which will be the application of BRI recommendations to three places in th <br />Region: a major thoroughfare corridor; a highway commercial strip with shopping centers and other mixes <br />uses; and a river /open space corridor. As the survey discovered, these are the types of areas that collectively <br />are shaping the Region's visual image. The basic concern expressed is that the Region's appearance wf <br />deteriorate as the population approaches the one million persons projected for 2000. NEA funds would be usa <br />to support the work of architecture and landscape architecture graduate students at the NC State Universit <br />School of Design. Their task, with donated faculty and TJCOG guidance, would be to translate th <br />recommendations in BRI into specific design guidelines for the three selected areas. NEA funds would then b <br />used to hire the professional design firm of Lucy Carol Davis & Associates to refine the guidelines by conductin <br />a series of regional design workshops with TJCOG support followed by the production of design guideline <br />publications that could be used by local governments, citizens and the development community. <br />