Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F2AE651-44BE-4D7D-A875-C24BD1756089 <br /> the Property and, if so, have the public records examined only from the date of that coverage to <br /> the present. In other words absent your timely objection, we will "tack"to that existing policy of <br /> title insurance. This procedure will enable us to keep the County's costs to a minimum while, at <br /> the same time,providing full title insurance coverage for the County. You should be advised that <br /> title insurance, while a valuable insurance coverage, does not cover any and all damage that may <br /> arise from a title defect. Title insurance also does not necessarily provide immediate relief in the <br /> form of the payment of a claim given title insurers have a reasonable time to correct defects in <br /> title which the insurer reasonably believes can be corrected. What constitutes a"reasonable time" <br /> depends upon the nature of the defect. Assuming title is insurable, we will obtain a title <br /> insurance policy in favor of the County in the amount of the purchase price for the Property. The <br /> County will be responsible for the payment of the title insurance premium at closing. <br /> Please be aware that matters of zoning and environmental matters are not included in a <br /> standard title search. We, as closing attorneys, do not provide any opinion as to the <br /> environmental condition of the Property. Please notify me immediately if the County requires <br /> additional information or assistance concerning these two issues. Zoning laws affect setbacks <br /> and use requirements to name a few. Environmental hazards include, but are not limited to, the <br /> existence of radon gas, lead-based paint, underground storage tanks and asbestos. <br /> We will either use the survey commissioned by the County for this transaction, if any, or <br /> the description of the Property included in the current vesting deeds as the legal description for <br /> the Property. We recommend the County obtain a new survey of the Property during its due <br /> diligence if it has not already done so. A survey may show title encumbrances and defects such <br /> as existing encroachments onto or from neighboring properties, legal description gaps and <br /> overlaps, and other matters "on the ground" that would not otherwise be discovered during our <br /> title search of the public records. The legal description will be used to describe the boundaries of <br /> the Property in the general warranty deed conveying the Property to the County (the "Deed"). I <br /> understand the final terms of the purchase agreement for the Property have been agreed to by the <br /> County and the grantor prior to our involvement in this matter, and the County does not require <br /> our assistance with negotiating or drafting any portion of the purchase agreement save and <br /> except the tenant estoppel certificate. <br /> Closing <br /> We will conduct the closing on the Transaction. The closing can occur in our offices or <br /> another location that works better for the parties. The County agrees to wire the closing funds <br /> into my trust account prior to the closing. We will make every effort to provide the County with <br /> a draft of the settlement statement no less than 24 hours prior to the closing date. Following the <br /> closing, we will update title and record the new plat, if any, and Deed in the office of the <br /> Register of Deeds and prepare a final title opinion and deliver the same to Investors Title for <br /> issuance of the title insurance policy. <br /> Wire Instructions <br /> BEFORE SENDING ANY WIRE, CALL OUR OFFICE AT (919) 490-0500 TO <br /> VERIFY THE INSTRUCTIONS. WE WILL NOT CHANGE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS. <br /> kennon craven pllc <br /> 4011 university drive,suite 300,durham,ne 27707 • post office box 51579,durham,nc 27717-1579 <br /> TELEPHONE 919 490 0500, FAX 919 490 0873 • www.kennoncraver.coni <br />