Agenda - 09-04-1990
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-04-1990
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Last modified
11/1/2017 4:12:05 PM
Creation date
11/1/2017 4:08:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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L <br />1 B. BID AWARD - PHASES I & II - COURTHOUSE S UARE PROJECT <br />2 The bids for the Courthouse Square Project, Phases I and I <br />3 were higher than anticipated. John Link recommended a modified pla <br />4 that would complete Phase I. Phase I would include the renovation o <br />5 King Street including the walkway leading to the front door of th <br />6 courthouse, the flagpole installation, the two curb ramps, stri <br />7 drainage and catch basins as detailed in the plans. <br />8 Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded b- <br />9 Commissioner Willhoit to award the bid as negotiated to C. C. Wood <br />10 Construction Company for an amount not to exceed $50,000; approv <br />11 contracts, contingent upon attorney and staff review; and authorize the <br />12 Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />13 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 C. PROCEDURE FOR LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT <br />17 Chairman Moses Carey presented a revised procedure for loca: <br />18 travel expense reimbursement for members of the Board of Count` <br />19 Commissioners. He recommended compensation for local travel at $50.0( <br />20 a month for the Commissioners and $75.00 a month for the Chair. Thi; <br />21 revised procedure provides the Commissioners with a choice of taking <br />22 set monthly amount for local travel or the actual amount as reported or <br />23 the regular travel reimbursement form. <br />24 Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded b) <br />25 Commissioner Willhoit to approve this new procedure for local travel <br />26 expense reimbursement. This procedure will be listed in the Countl <br />27 Commissioners "Policy and Procedures" manual located in the Clerk's <br />28 Office. <br />29 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ORDINANCE NEW <br />33 Planner Mary Scearbo explained that the Ordinance would <br />34 provide a special review process for projects or activities that are <br />35 deemed to have a potential environmental impact on the environment. <br />36 Projects which are subject to the Ordinance could require preparation <br />37 of an environmental assessment which would be a review by the Planning <br />38 Staff or the preparation of an environmental impact statement which <br />39 would involve public review and a presentation to the County <br />40 Commissioners during the public hearing process. The second item is a <br />41 series of amendments to the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning <br />42 Ordinance. These amendments incorporate review procedures that are <br />43 established in the Environmental Impact Ordinance and provide for the <br />44 protection of natural and cultural resources during the subdivision <br />45 review process. The act of subdividing land would not trigger the <br />46 preparation of an environmental assessment under the Environmental <br />47 Impact Ordinance itself. Planner Mary Scearbo briefly summarized the <br />48 Ordinance. <br />49 in answer to a question from Commissioner Willhoit, Scearbo <br />50 explained that if someone should appeal the review, it would be an <br />51 administrative appeal up to the Planning Director. There would also be <br />52 the option to appeal it through the court system. Commissioner Willhoit <br />
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