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19 <br />the opinion of the Committee that rural property owners, who have <br />for years been stewards of the very land that embodies the area's <br />rural character, will endeavor to provide for and protect the <br />natural resources present in the future as well. <br />The RCSC recommends that one strategy to be pursued should be a <br />Purchase of Development Rights Program - to be instituted in <br />Orange County for use by designated agencies to purchase <br />development rights on property that has special natural resource <br />or water quality significance. One such use of this system would <br />be a programmed purchase of prioritized, vulnerable inventory <br />sites. <br />The RCSC recognizes that a PDR program will by necessity be <br />limited in scope. Therefore, the Committee recommends the <br />following voluntary measures be undertaken. <br />In three of the five development options for the Rural Buffer, <br />the open space set - asides can be utilized to provide for the <br />protection of special resources. Environmentally - sensitive site <br />design, along with this open space, should adequately protect <br />resources. <br />In the two "large -lot" development options, open space set - asides <br />are not required but can be voluntarily utilized. The development <br />of five -acre and two -acre lot minimums will in and of itself help <br />preserve the rural character of the Rural Buffer to some degree. <br />Beyond that, however, the Committee recommends the use of <br />environmentally - sensitive site design through the encouragement <br />and cooperation of the Planning Department. For lands that <br />contain special natural or other identified sites, the Committee <br />further recommends the following measures: <br />The Committee recommends that, upon receipt of any <br />development proposal for land that contains a site <br />identified on the two inventories aforementioned, the <br />Planning Department shall work with the developer and <br />recommend the use of a voluntary Conservation Easement to <br />protect the site in question. Such an easement would be <br />designed to allow development to occur at the behest of the <br />property owner, while preserving portions of the natural or <br />other site contained within private property. This <br />Conservation Easement should allow for annual inspection by <br />a designated party, but should otherwise be maintained as <br />private open space - not for public use unless so deemed by <br />the property owner. <br />The Committee further recommends that, upon receipt of a <br />development proposal as described above, the Planning <br />Department will contact private conservation organizations <br />in order to facilitate mutual protection by discussion <br />between the potential developer and the conservation <br />organization. The committee wants to emphasize that any <br />decision by a landowner to establish some form of <br />conservation easement will be strictly voluntary. <br />FUS <br />