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changes will make it better for them to live with the Land Use Plan <br />and what is happening in the RB. If this is adopted, it will remove <br />most of the frustrations in getting through the process. He stated <br />that there is no way to satisfy those people who want no rules in the <br />RB or those that want no growth in the RB. This is a good balance <br />with a lot of give and take. They tried to be sensitive to the <br />concerns of the landowner. He hopes that the Committee will be <br />allowed to bring this study to a conclusion and that it will not be <br />given over to another committee. <br />NOTE: The following three items are so integrally related to each <br />other that they were considered together under one presentation. <br />Following each item is a brief summation of each topic. The <br />presentation and comments follow these brief summaries: <br />1. CONCEPTUAL GUIDELINES FOR THE RURAL BUFFER <br />This item was presented to receive public input on the <br />recommended strategy for the Rural Buffer, as adopted by the Rural <br />Character Study Committee. <br />2. LUP -4 -40 JOINT PLANNING AREA LAND USE PLAN <br />This item was presented to receive public input on a <br />proposed amendment to the text of the Joint Planning Area Land Use <br />Plan for Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. These amendments <br />are part of a three -part package, related to the recommended strategy <br />for the Rural Buffer entitled Conceptual Guidelines for the Rural <br />Buffer, and an amendment to the Joint Planning_ Agreement. The <br />amendments to the text of the plan involve changes to the following <br />sections: <br />Section III. Infrastructure and Public Services <br />Section V. Joint Planning Operating Principles <br />Section VI. Future Land Use - JPA <br />Section VII. Overview of Implementation Strategies <br />These amendments all deal with one of the following issues: <br />1) Extension of water and sewer into a defined corridor for <br />planned "Rural Villages ". <br />2) Development standards for lots in the rural Buffer. <br />currently, a minimum lot size of two -acres is required. The <br />proposed standards would retain that standard as one of five <br />permitted development options, adding others that provide <br />for larger lots and /or environmentally - sensitive site design <br />through clustered or planned developments. <br />3) Creation of "Rural Villages ", with a small scale <br />commercial core designed to serve the village only. <br />3. JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT <br />This item is to receive public input on a proposed amendment <br />to the Joint Planning Agreement for Orange County, Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro. This amendment is directly related to and contingent upon <br />the previous related items. Specifically, the proposed amendment <br />