Orange County NC Website
129 <br />County is to seek equity in Orange County and ask for the same kind of <br />calling scope as other counties have. This would involve putting <br />together the six toll districts including the Chapel Hill Exchange, and <br />the Orange County portion of the Durham Exchange. Vic Knight noted that <br />as Chair of the EAS Yes Committee they are willing to address whatever <br />it takes to educate all the citizens in the County on what a base rate <br />would mean to the County as well as seven -digit dialing. <br />Commissioner Willhoit indicated his priority would be to get <br />extended area service between Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough and <br />then add the other areas such as that portion of Durham County which is <br />part of Chapel Hill, etc. <br />Chairman Carey indicated he would like to initially include <br />all areas of Orange County and the Board agreed. They instructed the <br />County Manager to work with the EAS YES Committee, to meet with the <br />telephone companies and to come up with a strategy that they feel will <br />succeed. The Committee will give the Board an update in a month. <br />Mark Collins of Southern Bell assured the Board that they <br />want to work with their customers to bring an end to what they perceive <br />as an imbalance. He stated that they are not earning any excess revenue <br />and that they are not allowed by law to lobby the Utilities Commission. <br />They plan to look at the seven -digit system that Washington has and also <br />combining the three county area in the white pages of the telephone <br />book. <br />X. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. CONTRACT WITH ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY FOR ANIMAL SHELTER <br />OPERATION <br />John Link explained that the contract has been shared with <br />the APS Chair who has requested additional time for the APS Board to <br />review it. He asked that the final decision be delayed until August 21 <br />to allow this additional time. The contract reaffirms the operations <br />and procedures that have been followed for the last ten years. These <br />include the purpose of the animal shelter, the need to have the APS <br />remit to the County all fees collected in turn for a fair appropriation <br />from the County budget to the APS for operation of the shelter and <br />access to the shelter by County personnel. <br />B. SENIOR CENTER LEASE WITH ARTS CENTER <br />The purpose of this item was to approve an adjustment to the <br />County's lease arrangement with the ArtsCenter for Senior Center space <br />in Carrboro. The County has been sub - leasing space from the ArtsCenter <br />in Carrboro for the Senior Center since 1987. The lease is now in the <br />4th year of its 5 year term. The Manager recommends that the County <br />agree to a short term lease adjustment of $3,000 per year. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Chairman Carey to approve amending the existing lease with the <br />ArtsCenter, authorizing the Chair to sign and directing the County staff <br />to begin long --term lease negotiations for Senior Center space. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />