Orange County NC Website
The board asked for a report on all temporary positions in the County. <br />This will be forthcoming. They will consider a policy on benefits for <br />temporary vs* permanent positions. <br />The Board indicated the possibility of considering a percent of <br />appropriations that should be allocated to non - department agencies. Some <br />agencies, such as OPC Mental Health and Hyconeechee Library should be treated <br />differently, as they are quasi - departments. There is a difference between <br />agencies that support our departments and those that don't. They would like <br />a list of those agencies that are not directly related to county programs. <br />With no further discussion, the budget work session was adjourned. The <br />next Special Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 14 at 4:00 in the Food <br />Lab of the Planning and Agricultural Building in Hillsborough. <br />