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Mrs. Hardee spoke about her experience with the program during her <br />husband's illness. <br />The Board expressed their support of the importance of this program. <br />The Board agreed to consider putting an amount, to be determined, into the <br />budget for this program. <br />ADOLESCENTS IN NEED <br />Betty Compton explained that the program at A.L. Stanbeck and Stanback <br />Middle School had been expanded. They want to continue the level of service <br />as in the past. They requested $63,000 from the County. She indicated that <br />the recommended appropriation of $60,000 would make it impossible to continue <br />the present level of service. She explained that the growth in student <br />inquiries was in the 9th grade. Next year they should be able to evaluate <br />the two groups who are high risk if they do not become pregnant. The demands <br />are great and their service is needed. They would like to be able to do more <br />but can not because of money constraints. <br />KIDSCOPE <br />Reference was made to the annual report. They have placed a lot of <br />emphasis on educating the parents. This year they served 208 in educational <br />workshops. They have had great response and been highly successful. They <br />talked of the accomplishments of the program and what they plan for next <br />year. <br />ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S CENTER <br />The Chair of the Women's Center asked the Board to review their <br />application for funds. They requested $11,425 and the Manager has <br />recommended $7,000. Their request included monies for computer equipment <br />which would be a one -time cost. They have estimated this cost to be $3,600 <br />and ask that the County allocate an additional $3,000. They have doubled <br />their services and would like to increase that figure if at all possible. <br />Commissioner Marshall explained that while the Board understands the <br />need for the computer equipment, the recommendation from the Commission for <br />Women needs to be discussed before considering an additional allocation <br />ORANGE ALTERNATIVE HOUSING. <br />Margie Schofner and Keith Aldridge asked that the recommended budget be <br />increased from $25,000 to $50,000. They explained that this corporation was <br />formed after it was determined that the County and Towns were committed to <br />low and moderate income housing. They have received a grant in the amount of <br />$20,000 that was part of their budget. Last evening the Town of Chapel Hill <br />made a commitment of $35,000. They are asking that the County at least <br />increase their allocation to $35,000. They expect to receive an allocation <br />from Carrboro. Their Z. Smith Reynolds grant is contingent on this <br />corporation being financially stable. <br />John Link stated that there is $10,000 remaining in the appropriation <br />this year for affordable housing which could be allocated to this <br />Corporation. <br />