Agenda - 06-11-1990
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-11-1990
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Last modified
11/1/2017 12:32:38 PM
Creation date
11/1/2017 12:30:12 PM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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It was the consensus of the Board to approve these four positions <br />conceptually now, and to make them permanent as needed. <br />The funding for daycare was discussed. It was the consensus of the <br />Board to always use first the state monies and when they are exhausted to use <br />County money for daycare and that the Department of Social Services shall <br />have the responsibility for making that decision. <br />JOCCA <br />Gloria Williams, Executive Director, asked for an additional $2,500 to <br />lease- purchase computer equipment. This would be a one time expenditure. <br />The new system will meet Federal and State requirements and help with <br />accountability. <br />John Link's recommended budget included an approximate 15% increase in <br />the JOCCA allocation over last year. Gloria Williams indicated that $4600 of <br />the increase would be used for operations and $5,000 would be used for <br />automation. <br />It was suggested that JOCCA talk with the bank about a two or three year <br />loan for this equipment. <br />The Board supported the purchase of new computers to improve service to <br />clients and to save money. <br />ORANGE ENTERPRISES <br />Kathy Turner asked for an additional allocation. She explained that <br />since Orange Enterprises is private non - profit, the County has dropped paying <br />the utilities which has created a hardship on them. They plan to serve 97 <br />people in 1990 which are either mentally retarded or developmentally <br />disabled. The cost per client is more than they receive from the State <br />causing a shortfall. Also, they have ten shelter employees who receive no <br />subsidy from the State. The State has actually cut funds to Orange <br />Enterprises. <br />The Board indicated they would take this information into consideration <br />when finalizing the budget allocation for Orange Enterprises. <br />OCIM <br />Reverend Curtis Tyler, President of OCIM, asked that the Board consider <br />allocating additional monies for their family counseling program. It was <br />decided that the possibility of this being funded under the JOBS Program <br />would be investigated. The Board expressed their support of OCIM and what <br />they do in the northern part of the County. <br />TRIANGLE HOSPICE <br />Mark Roundtree stated that Triangle Hospice requested $7,500 from Orange <br />County and received nothing in the County's recommended budget. He explained <br />that this is a method of care for those who have been given less than six <br />months to live. The $7,500 would be used for indigent care. They provide <br />the service regardless if the person can pay. <br />
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