Orange County NC Website
rk] <br />Commissioner Hartwell also mentioned the need for the public information <br />network to be allocated approximately $2,000.00. Link indicated that this money was <br />not budgeted, however, it could be absorbed into the budget. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis questioned if the Electronic House Arrest program <br />was in operation. He also questioned if two additional deputies and one cook would <br />be sufficient to serve the expected increase in the jail population. He requested <br />an update on the improved countywide emergency radio communication system. The <br />Sheriff will attend one of the upcoming budget worksessions in order to address <br />these questions. EMS Director Nick Waters indicated that the study regarding an <br />improved fire services radio system was expected to be completed by the end of June. <br />in response to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Link indicated that <br />a new High School would be needed in 1998. A final decision on this proposed school <br />will need to be made by 1995. The initial planning for location and scope will <br />begin in 1991. <br />Chairman Carey mentioned that the Board of Commissioners will be <br />considering a permanent, structured tax to cover the operational costs of these <br />schools. He asked that staff inform the Commissioners to the steps necessary to put <br />this issue before the public later this year. <br />There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. The next <br />regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held on June 26th <br />at 7:30 p.m. in the Courtroom of the Old Post Office. <br />Chairman <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk <br />Moses Carey, Jr., <br />