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ROLLAND WRENN who lives on Davis Road spoke about the rural character <br />of Davis Road. She read a prepared statement. She objects to DOT <br />taking 20 feet of her land for the road right -of -way. She asked that <br />the Board and DOT leave Davis Road the way it is and that the portion of <br />the plan dealing with Davis Road be deleted. <br />KEN FAUCETTE spoke against the Davis Road proposal. <br />C. D. JACK KNIGHT, JR. lives on the proposed extension of Elizabeth <br />Brady Road. He spoke in opposition of the extension of this road <br />through Highland Loop Road to Highway 70. He asked that the individual <br />members of the County Planning Board and the County Commissioners drive <br />through this community before they vote on this extension. This private <br />road which is 30 feet wide is isolated and very peaceful. He feels that <br />the value of the homes and property on this road will be affected by a <br />road that will destroy the privacy of the community. The proposed 100 - <br />foot right -of -way would include a two lane bridge crossing the Eno <br />River. He questioned the existing right -of -way for the Elizabeth Brady <br />Road on the South side of the Eno River. If that is less than 100 -feet, <br />he does not understand the need to take individual homes and property <br />and the need for a 100 -foot right -of -way on their side of the road. He <br />expressed concern about the alignment of the extension of the Elizabeth <br />Brady Road and asked that it be given special consideration so they may <br />retain some degree of privacy for the existing homes in the area. He <br />referred to a map which shows that the location of the road does not <br />adequately address the issue of least disturbance to existing homes. <br />Mr. Rogers from DOT indicated that none of the homes in that area would <br />be destroyed or damaged if at all possible. Mr. Knight does not feel <br />that the proposal has addressed this adequately. The existing map shows <br />the road going through some of the yards and in his case through his <br />house. He distributed a map and made additional comments about the <br />location of the proposed extension of Elizabeth Brady Road in relation <br />to the existing homes. He asked that special attention be given to this <br />alignment. In conclusion, he stated that neither he nor any of his <br />neighbors want the road through their secluded area. However, if the <br />road is to be built he asked that special attention be given to'the <br />alignment and the importance it has on their private lives. <br />WILLIAM CROWTHER stated that the Hillsborough Thoroughfare Plan dated <br />September, 1989 is not the one adopted by the Town of Hillsborough in <br />1987. The one dated 1987 is the only official thoroughfare plan in <br />existence and has not been changed by any vote since that time. He <br />noted that the plan dated 1989 should be titled Hillsborough <br />Thoroughfare Plan Study Report. He noted that an explanation of purpose <br />needs to be included in the 1989 document. He asked that the original <br />document be reviewed before consideration of adoption by the County. <br />MARY BALLARD stated that as a resident of Elizabeth Brady Road she <br />opposes the alignment of the road and asked that it go across vacant <br />land which would not disturb anyone. <br />ED BAILEY who-lives on Davis Road spoke in opposition of the road <br />going through that area. <br />