Orange County NC Website
PAGE 2 <br />III. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA <br />ADDED UNDER X - CHARGE FOR EAS YES COMMITTEE - 10 -I <br />ADDED UNDER APPOINTMENTS ONE ADDITIONAL PERSON TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE EAS YES <br />COMMITTEE AND ONE PERSON TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />IV. AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br />A. MATTERS ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />Chairman Carey announced that those who desire to speak to a specific item <br />will be recognized at the appropriate time. <br />B. MATTERS NOT ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />None <br />PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Chairman Moses Carey, Jr. read the public charge. <br />V. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve those items on the Consent Agenda as listed below: <br />A. ARTS COMMISSION GRASSROOTS AWARDS <br />To approve the Arts Commission recommendation for distribution of Grassroots <br />Arts Awards totalling $16,954. The list is included in the permanent agenda file. <br />B. AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF COG APPLICATION FOR AGING SERVICES <br />To authorize the submission of an application for Aging service funds to <br />Triangle J Council of Governments, effective July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991. Federal <br />and state funds requested will be $141,614 and will be from Title III -B /D Older Americans <br />Act and state fund sources. County match funds will be $23,204. <br />C. 1990 -91 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND THE NC <br />DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES .�. <br />To approve the 1990 -91 contract between the Orange County Health Department <br />and the NC Divisions of Health Services in the amount of $332,525 for ten different <br />health programs and authorize the Chair to sign the contracts, assurances, and budget <br />pages. This approval is subject to the endorsement of the County Attorney and County <br />Purchasing Director. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VI. RESOLUTIONS /PROCLAMATIONS <br />A PROCLAMATION FOR SOCIAL SERVICES EMPLOYEES APPRECIATION WEEK - JOHN HARTWELL <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to proclaim April 23 - 27 as Social Services Employees Appreciation Week in Orange <br />County and to authorize the Chair to sign. <br />