Orange County NC Website
PAGE 5 <br />Department be involved. Ms. Landsberger indicated that since Carrboro does have a <br />senior center in the ArtsCenter, the current goal is to locate a center in Chapel Hill. <br />It was decided that the task force should include Carrboro and Hillsborough in the long <br />range planning for senior centers. Commissioner Marshall pointed out that the County <br />Commissioners have the responsibility to meet the priority needs for senior citizens <br />throughout the County. There are many people in the rural areas of the County that need <br />these basic services more than a lot of the people in the urban areas. The reason <br />municipalities are set up and the reason municipal taxes are paid over and above the <br />County taxes is that people who live in close densities in municipal areas need a higher <br />level of service and are willing to pay for it. If we are talking about serving a group <br />of urban citizens within a specific municipality at a higher level of service than the <br />County can serve everybody, then that higher level of service should be paid for by the <br />people in the municipality. Commissioner Marshall emphasized that it is unfair to choose <br />a certain segment of citizens and serve them at a higher level than others. <br />It was decided that Commissioners Willhoit and Carey will serve on this task <br />force. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to approve the work plan for establishing the need for additional senior citizens <br />facility space in Chapel Hill. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. NCDOT TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - GENE BELL <br />Planner Gene Bell explained that annually the N.C. Board of Transportation <br />adopts a multi -year Transportation Improvement Program outlining needed transportation <br />improvements and the method and schedule for funding such projects. A public hearing <br />will be held May 8 for officials and citizens in this district to present their requests <br />for highway improvements. Chairman Carey will attend this meeting and present and speak <br />in support of each municipality's request as well as other needs which the Commissioners <br />have identified. <br />Commissioner Willhoit referred to the Chapel Hill recommendation to widen and <br />improve US 15 -501 from the US 15 -501 Bypass to the Chatham County Line stating that this <br />is inconsistent with the County's Land Use Plan. He suggested adding a proviso to this <br />section stating that this widening should not occur prior to establishing a link from 15- <br />501 Chatham County over to I -40. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to authorize the Chair to attend the public hearing and speak in support of <br />improvement needs as identified by municipalities and the County as amended by <br />Commissioner Willhoit and to submit the resolution dated March 5, 1990 in <br />support of best management practices to control runoff from Interstate 85 into <br />Seven Mile Creek. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />NOTE: Planner Gene Bell distributed information on the Bicycle Improvement Program and <br />gave an update on the program. <br />C. BID AWARD - OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEM <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Marshall <br />to award the low proposal for an Optical Imaging System to Genesys for a first year cost <br />of $88,881. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. DISPOSAL OF CERTAIN SURPLUS ITEMS <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />