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' 2/19/90 <br />tG. General Comments <br />1. Process for application - Employee requests application from his /her principal. <br />' After summative ratings, if applicant is eligible, the principal will submit the <br />application to the superintendent who then submits it to the school board for <br />final approval. <br />' 2. At any time a teacher or administrator may re additional observations Y uest i q tons as <br />deemed necessary. <br />1 <br />3.a. ICP /P - Beginning teachers are expected to address Major Function areas IN and <br />' the accompanying teaching practices on the Teacher Performance Appraisal <br />Instrument during the two year initial certification period. <br />' The teacher at the Initial Level may or may not be extended a second year non - <br />continuing contract for employment by the local administrative unit. In the case <br />' of non- renewal of a non - continuing contract for second year employment, the <br />teacher maintains the initial teaching certificate and may be employed as a second <br />year Initial Level teacher in another school unit. <br />' Orange County Schools require that all beginning teachers complete 30 hours of <br />Effective Teaching Training. During ETT and prior to the first of the minimum <br />' four observations, the support team and Staff Development Coordinator will work <br />with the beginning teacher to provide moral support and technical help in <br />achieving satisfactory performance in the classroom on Major Functions IN on <br />' the TPAL In the event of an unsatisfactory performance on a practice in the first <br />observation, the support team and the mentor shall design and prescribe actions <br />' to be undertaken by the beginning teacher to improve his /her performance on <br />that practice. After the initial observations, the prescribed actions for <br />improvements shall be drawn up and shall constitute the Professional <br />Development Plan. <br />The observations, the development plan and the summative evaluation shall all <br />' become a part of the portfolio which shall be maintained by the initially certified <br />teacher. If the teacher has received "at standard" or higher on the practices under <br />Major Functions I through V by the final evaluation of the second year, the <br />' initially certified teacher shall be recommended upon review by the Principal to <br />the superintendent who shall recommend to the board of education continuing <br />' certification and may offer continuing employment in Orange County Schools. <br />Reference: Career Development Resource Guide Quadrennial Edition 1988 -89, pgs. 31- <br />36. <br />' b. Provisional - If the teacher has completed at least 30 hours of N.C. Effective <br />Teacher Training, received no rating less than "at standard" in all practices on <br />' the summative evaluation and has completed application, the teacher shall be <br />accorded Career Status I. If the teacher has not completed the training or if <br />' evaluations have not been satisfactory, the principal shall recommend the teacher <br />for contract termination. <br />Reference: Career Development Resource Guide Quadrennial Edition 1988 -89, pg. 33. <br />1 <br />