Orange County NC Website
ASSURANCE=S <br />Please sign where indicated. Signature certifies that (1) .the local improvement plan has been <br />approved by the board of education; (2) the development of the plan ha$, involved a substantial <br />number of teachers, school administrators and other school staff; (3) the plan is based on <br />strategies which are included in school plans and have been shown to contribute to raising <br />student achievement; (4) the student performance goals included in the plan are based upon <br />individual school plans in the administrative unit; and (S) the instructional program required <br />through BEP will be offered. <br />. _ �} <br />i <br />Please sign where indicated. Signature certifies that a differentiated pay plan is included in the <br />local improvement plan and that it has been approved according to 115C — 238.4. <br />MM <br />Chairman, Board of Education <br />