Agenda - 04-10-1990
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-10-1990
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11/1/2017 12:02:53 PM
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11/1/2017 11:55:48 AM
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JUSTIFICATIONS FOR FLEXIBLE FUNDING REQUESTS <br />1. Request to move up to $1,431,215.00 from the category of all vacancies in <br />positions for more flexibility in the assignments of personnel. This would allow <br />better use of personnel based on the needs of students (Goals 1, 2, and 3). <br />2. Request to move up to $1,820,224.00 from the category of existing BEP funds <br />and funds targeted for 1990 -1993 from program enhancement, instructional <br />support, clerical assistant, assistant superintendent positions to the categories <br />of instructional materials, personnel, and other instructional areas for the <br />purpose of allowing schools the flexibility of adding advanced programs in <br />technology, problem - solving /critical thinking, and other curricular areas (Goals <br />2 and 3). <br />3. Request to move up to $25,000 from the staff development category to use for <br />stipends for Lead Teachers and incentive pay plans. Providing incentives of <br />this nature will increase professionalism and teacher accountability for the <br />accomplishment of all student performance goals (Goals 1, 2, and 3). <br />4. Request to move up to $301,834.00 from the categories of textbooks, <br />instructional materials and supplies, equipment and testing support to the <br />category of personnel to hire additional certified and classified personnel for <br />after - school tutorial programs, early childhood programs, the Reading Resource <br />Program and other programs relative to prevention and intervention strategies <br />for student performance in all areas of the instructional program (Goals 1, 2, and <br />3). <br />5. Request to move up to $83,205.00 from the category of BEP Summer School <br />funds for more flexible use during the summer and throughout the school year <br />in meeting the needs of students who are deficient in the basic skills and for <br />enhancement and enrichment programs for all students (Goals 1, 2, and 3). <br />6. Request to move up to $1,065,461.00 from the category of differentiated pay <br />funds from 1990 -1994, to allow local teachers equal access to funds for the pay <br />plan; to provide release time for Lead Teachers; staff development activities; <br />bonuses; and substitutes. Providing incentives of this nature will increase <br />professionalism among instructional staff members by providing equal access <br />to funds from the differentiated pay plan for both state and local teachers. <br />Teacher accountability for the accomplishment of all students performance <br />-goals will also increase (Goals 1, 2, and 3). <br />7. Request to move up to $111,400.00 from the category of dropout <br />prevention /student at risk/in- school suspension to the categories of instructional <br />materials and supplies, and equipment for the purpose of developing and/or <br />purchasing programs and assessments that support initiatives for students at <br />risk of failing school (Goals 1, 2, and 3). <br />8. Request to move up to $264,066.00 (one third of vocational education funds) <br />from the category of vocational education to the categories of personnel and <br />
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