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I. NON - FINANCIAL WAIVER REQUESTS <br />In requesting waivers, the school system had to indicate how specific state law, <br />regulation or policy inhibited the school system's ability to attain its student <br />performance goals and how a waiver would facilitate accomplishment of its <br />student performance goals. The only state laws for which a waiver could be <br />requested were laws pertaining to class size, teacher certification, assignment <br />of teacher assistants, the use of state adopted textbooks, and the purposes for <br />which state funds for the public schools may be used. Waivers could be <br />requested from all state regulations and policies, except those pertaining to <br />state salary schedules and employee benefits for school employees, the <br />instructional program that must be offered under the Basic Education Program, <br />the system of employment for public school teachers and administrators set out <br />in GS. 115C -325, health and safety codes, compulsory school attendance, the <br />minimum lengths of the school day and year, and the Uniform Education <br />Reporting System (Guidelines for Implementation of The School Improvement <br />and Accountability Act of 1989). <br />II. WAIVER REQUESTS NEEDED TO ACCOMPLISH STUDENT <br />PERFORMANCE GOALS <br />The Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools Board of Education adopted the <br />following three student performance goals relative to the implementation of The <br />School Improvement and Accountability Act of 1989 (Senate Bill 2): <br />Goal #1 <br />Beginning with June, 1993, each year there will be an average pretest- to post- <br />test gain of at least two NCE's for students participating in the Reading <br />Resource Program in grade levels served by Chapter 1. Measurement will be <br />based on performance on a norm - referenced, standardized assessment <br />instrument. <br />Goal #2 <br />By June 1995, 80 percent of all students in grades 5, 8, and 11 who have <br />completed at least two years in the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools, will <br />demonstrate mastery of problem - solving strategies as measured by a district <br />developed or adopted criterion - referenced assessment instrument. <br />Goal #3 <br />By June 1995: <br />(a) 95 percent of the students who complete the second grade <br />curriculum will demonstrate mastery of all second grade goals <br />identified in the N. C. Competency -based Curriculum in the areas of <br />communication skills and mathematics as measured by district developed or <br />adopted criterion- referenced assessment instruments; <br />P] <br />