Orange County NC Website
Year 1: 1990 -91 est. $247,429 (2%) <br />• Inservice provided to all staff on school restructuring, <br />participatory decision - making, lead teachers, and related topics. <br />Schools will designate planning teams to design lead <br />teacher programs for their schools and select lead teachers <br />for the 1991 -92 school year. Funds may be used for <br />stipends, substitutes, and staff development resources. <br />• Funds for administrators will be used to assist them in <br />acquiring skills to serve in leadership capacities under a <br />school -based management model. <br />Year 2: 1991 -92 est. $393,410 (3%) <br />• Implement lead teacher programs in each school <br />• Design group -based incentive programs to be pilot tested <br />in 1992 -93 <br />• Provide additional support to administrator pay -for <br />performance program <br />Year 3: 1992 -93 est. $S3S,039 (4%) <br />• Continue lead teacher program <br />• Implement group -based incentive pilots <br />• Continue to support administrator pay- for - performance <br />program <br />Year 4: 1993 -94 est. $955,044 (7%) <br />• Continue lead teacher program <br />• Fully implement group -based incentive program <br />• Continue to support administrator pay - for - performance <br />program <br />In order to implement this plan, waivers will be requested to permit <br />differentiated pay funds to be distributed to local, as well as state, paid teachers <br />and administrators and for funds to be used, not only for stipends and <br />incentive payments, but for staff development expenses and for staff required <br />to provide release time for lead teachers. If these waivers are not granted, the <br />plan will need to be modified or additional funds must be provided either <br />through flexibility made possible under Senate Bill 2 or by the local education <br />agency (LEA). <br />