Agenda - 04-10-1990
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-10-1990
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CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO CITY SCHOOLS <br />DIFFERENTIATED PAY PLAN <br />The differentiated pay plan for the Chapel Hill- Carrboro City Schools is <br />designed to support the restructuring of its schools while providing financial <br />incentives to teams focusing on specific areas targeted for improvement. A <br />representative, districtwide committee will assist in the implementation of the <br />three major components of the plan which will require four years to phase in <br />completely. <br />The first component is a lead teacher lmQdel similar to the program <br />which is being piloted in Granville County. Each school will be allocated funds <br />on a per- teacher basis to design and implement a lead teacher model tailored to <br />its needs. The term "lead teacher" is considered inclusive of the concept of <br />"extra pay for extra duty" and pertains to all non - administrative, certified staff <br />members. A lead teacher could be assigned responsibilities as varied as <br />curriculum development, data collection and program evaluation, mentoring, <br />peer observation, team coordination, school governance, and major committee <br />assignments. Funds will be used for conducting staff development for not only <br />lead teachers but all other teachers as well, stipends for lead teachers, and <br />payments to other-staff members or substitutes to provide release time for lead <br />teachers. The staff at each school will identify its leadership needs, write <br />specific job descriptions for lead teachers, decide on appropriate compensation <br />plans, and devise a schedule to provide the necessary release time for lead <br />teachers. <br />The second component is a intended to provide <br />extra compensation to teams of teachers who meet specified student - outcome <br />objectives which have been identified for a school's entire population or for a <br />particular target group of students. A group of teachers is defined as two or <br />more certified staff members who are working together to accomplish one or <br />more common objectives. Criteria will be established to determine eligibility <br />for an incentive payment to ensure that staff members who do not contribute <br />significantly to the objective are not rewarded (e.g. those employed for less <br />than three months or who receive an unsatisfactory evaluation). Each <br />school's staff will be responsible for identifying teams of teachers who will <br />seek to achieve common objectives, formulate incentive plans, and evaluate <br />results. Schools will be . provided budgets on a per- teacher basis. If a school <br />should choose not to participate in this component for any given year or does <br />not require all of the budgeted funds, its budget may be redistributed to the <br />other schools. <br />The third component is an gdmip,igl aI tos_ Fay- fQr-ger gc-e plan <br />which was approved by the Board of Education in 1989. This plan provides <br />administrators with annual increases based upon their meeting leadership, <br />management, and performance objectives. Performance objectives are <br />established in four areas: (1) districtwide student achievement; (2) school, <br />division, or program achievement; (3) staff development; and (4) professional <br />growth. The additional revenues will be used to promote professional growth <br />and to supplement the locally- approved plan. <br />
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