Orange County NC Website
Goal 3, parts a, b, and c <br />By June, 1995, <br />(a) 95 percent of the students who complete the second grade curriculum will <br />demonstrate mastery of all second grade goals identified in the NC <br />Competency Based Curriculum in the areas of communication skills and <br />mathematics as measured by district developed or adopted criterion - <br />referenced assessment instruments; <br />(b) 95 percent of the students who complete the fifth grade curriculum will <br />demonstrate mastery of all fifth grade goals identified in the NC Competency <br />Based Curriculum in the areas of communication skulls, mathematics, social <br />studies and science as measured by district developed or adopted criterion - <br />referenced assessment instruments; <br />(c) 95 percent of the students who complete the eighth grade curriculum will <br />demonstrate mastery of all eighth grade goals identified in the NC <br />Competency Based Curriculum in the areas of communication skills, <br />mathematics, social studies and science as measured by district developed <br />criterion- referenced assessment instruments; <br />Milestones, Parts a, b, and c <br />June, 1991 - A document specifying goals that will be assessed In <br />communication skills, mathematics, science and social studies <br />in grades K -8 will be distributed to all elementary and middle <br />school teachers. <br />- Criterion- referenced testing instruments and administration <br />procedures for assessing mastery of grade 2, 5, and 8 goals in <br />mathematics and communication skills will be developed or <br />adopted. <br />• The level of performance needed to indicate mastery of <br />mathematics and communication skills will be determined. <br />June, 1992 - Criterion- referenced testing instruments and administration <br />procedures for assessing mastery of grade 5 and 8 goals in <br />science and social studies will be developed or adopted. <br />• The level of performance needed to indicate mastery of <br />science and social studies will be determined. <br />- Mathematics and communication skills assessment <br />instruments will be pilot - tested with students completing <br />grades 2, 5 or 8 curriculum. <br />3 <br />