Orange County NC Website
Goal 2 <br />By June, 1995, 80 percent of all students in grades 5, 8, and 11 who have <br />completed at least two years in the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools, will <br />demonstrate mastery of problem - solving strategies as measured by a district - <br />developed or adopted criterion - referenced assessment instrument. <br />Milestones <br />June, 1991 <br />June, 1992 <br />June, 1993 <br />June, 1994 <br />June, 1995 II <br />• A document identifying the program objectives and the <br />Problem solving model will be developed. <br />• An assessment program for grades 5, 8, and 11 will be <br />adopted. <br />• The level of performance needed to indicate mastery of <br />problem solving strategies will be determined. <br />• Baseline data will be established based on a field test of the <br />assessment program in grades 5, 8, and 11. <br />• Staff development will be conducted in designated schools to <br />include three elementary schools, one middle school and, <br />possibly, the high school ( "Group 1" schools). <br />• Problem solving instruction will be implemented in "Group 1" <br />schools. <br />• The assessment program will be administered to all <br />appropriate students in "Group 1" schools. <br />• Staff development will be conducted in the remaining schools <br />( "Group 2" schools). <br />• Formative evaluation will be conducted. <br />• Problem solving instruction will be implemented in all schools. <br />• The assessment program will be administered to all students <br />in grades 5, 8, and 11. <br />• Seventy percent of all students in grades 5, 8 and 11 who <br />have completed two years in a "Group 1" school will <br />demonstrate mastery of problem solving strategies. <br />• Attainment of Goal 2. <br />2 <br />