Orange County NC Website
Goal 1 <br />Beginning with June, -1993, each year there will be an average pretest -to- <br />posttest gain of at least two NCE's for students participating in the Reading <br />Resource Program in grade levels served by Chapter 1. Measurement will be <br />based on performance on a norm - referenced, standardized assessment <br />instrument. <br />Milestones <br />June, 1991 <br />June, 1992 <br />• A plan based on an analysis of the current reading program <br />will be developed. <br />• A document delineating the roles and responsibilities of all <br />personnel in the school district with regard to the reading <br />program will be written. <br />• There will be an average gain of at least 0.5 NCE's at each <br />grade level for students in the Reading Resource Program. <br />• There will be an average gain of at least 1.0 NCE's at each <br />grade level for students in the Reading Resource Program. <br />June, 1993 H • Attainment of Goal 1. <br />