Orange County NC Website
D. Explanation of Staffing Ratios and Class Sizes <br />The Basic Education Program calls for class sizes of 23 for grades K -3 and 26 for <br />grades 4 -12 and expanded curricular offerings for all grades: A broader, deeper program <br />requires teacher allotment ratios somewhat lower than the class size ratios, because <br />offering more courses requires more teachers for the same number of students. How many <br />more teachers are needed depends upon the program offered. <br />The following is an example of the relationship of the allotment ratio for grades 4 -6 to <br />the class size for grades 4 -6. The principles illustrated by this example also apply to other <br />grade spans. <br />Assume that a local unit has an average daily membership of 572 students in grades 4- <br />6. The state now provides funding sufficient to support an average class size in those grades <br />of 26 students. Thus, if we divide the ADM of 572 by the average class size of 26, we find that <br />the local unit would need 22 regular classroom teachers to meet the class size requirement. <br />The Basic Education Program, however, calls for expanded instruction in the arts, in a <br />second language, and in physical education. To provide instruction in these subjects for <br />every child would require four additional teachers, or a total of 26. <br />Dividing the unit ADM of 572 by 26, we find that one teaching position must be allotted <br />for every 22 students in ADM in order to provide the instructional program called for in the <br />Basic Education Program. <br />In like manner, we find that in grades K -3, to offer the full program and maintain an <br />average class size of 23, we need to allot teachers at a ratio of one teacher for every 20 <br />students in ADM. In grades 7 -8, we need to allot at 1:21 to offer the program and maintain <br />an average class size of 26. In grades 9 -12, we need to allot at 1:24.5 to offer the full program <br />and maintain an average class size of 26. <br />*Teacher assistants and other related services personnel (Adaptive Physical Education <br />Therapists, Audiologists, Bus Monitors, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, School <br />Psychologists, Social Workers, and Vocational Education /Special Education Counselors) are <br />needed to assist the teachers in providing appropriate instruction, to students to remain in public day school settings, llow handicapped <br />successful learners. These personnel are to be Provided th ough ederal fundsstudents to be <br />a <br />45 <br />