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� S <br />The State Board will develop a test to be administered to each child at the end of summer <br />school. Although the purpose of the test will be to provide a means by which the State <br />Board can evaluate the effectiveness of the summer program, teachers and principals <br />may use the results of the test to assist them in deciding whether their students have <br />mastered the appropriate competencies. <br />The principal and teacher referred to in this section are the individuals working in the <br />summer program. In cases where the principal of the summer program and the teacher decide <br />a child has met the state standard, the principal of the child's regularly assigned school will <br />then determine whether the child should be promoted according to the local promotion policy. <br />Any student who does not achieve the mastery score on the Phase Two test will be retained <br />unless that student successfully completes summer school. A principal may, however, <br />determine that for justifiable reasons a child cannot attend summer school, and that the child's <br />parent or <br />guardian will provide an alternative means for the child to master the specified <br />competencies. The principal shall require the parent or ardian to regarding the summer instructional program provided the child and the child'stp rformance <br />in that instructional program. In such cases the principal remains the final judge of whether <br />child has mastered the competencies, and the child must also take whatever standardized test <br />is administered to summer school students. <br />A student who is retained as a consequence of failing to meet state or local standards shall <br />receive a comprehensive educational assessment. Findings of the assessment shall be used in <br />determining the appropriate remediation goals and programs. <br />Local units shall develop special procedures to identify high risk students in grades K -12. <br />The State Board of Education shall provide appropriate <br />High risk students are those who score at o below the 25th 1percenti a on a taend standardized <br />achievement test, or are judged by their teachers to a in danger of failing to achieve lthe <br />minimum competencies specified by the State Board of Education. <br />School personnel (including teachers, instructional support <br />shall consider how the curriculum content and instructional methods may be modified within <br />the regular classroom to benefit high risk students. within <br />V <br />36 <br />