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IV. GENERAL STANDARDS <br />Promotion Standards <br />The state will require mastery of specific competencies in readin g, language, and <br />mathematics before a student is promoted from <br />standards, however, does not guarantee promotion. A student must also meet the state <br />All local school districts must develop their own promotion policies, sub t local standards. <br />Board of Education for information by April 1, 1986, and subsequentl met them to the State <br />The State Board of Education will develop a suggested Y report any changes. <br />boards may use at their discretion. The State Board of Education rwill tat th policy, which local <br />districts developing their own policies, provide them technical assistant <br />suggests that local units consider factors such as teachers' jud ent ' e request a school <br />e. The State Board <br />maturity in designing their policies. ,grades, attendance, and <br />The state standard will not apply to students already retained in the same r <br />4 -6, 7 -8) or certified as trainable mentally handicapped, grade (K -3, <br />severely /profoundly mentally handicapped or to other deducable mentally handicapped, or <br />students who have been exempted by policy of the local Board of Education l on handicapped <br />the standard is not a reasonable one for the student. The parents of an Aped <br />have the right to contest the exclusion of his /her child from n the basis that <br />procedures set out in G.S. 115c-116. xc exclusion excluded child shall <br />promotion standards under the <br />The promotion standards and minimum competencies which follow are <br />curriculum and courses of instruction listed and described in the Basic Education upon the <br />One of the attributes of an effective curriculum is that it evolves as the non Program. <br />change in order to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. Therefore, <br />promotion and minimum competencies must also change if they a needs of students <br />curriculum. The State Board of Education will modify n standards of <br />minimum competencies B necessary to be consistent g ey are to continue n reflect the <br />fy state promotion standards and <br />Basic Education Program. sistent with the curriculum described in the <br />The state standard will be implemented in three phases; <br />Phase One. A student in grade 3, 6, or 8 who scores at or above the 25th er <br />battery) in the Annual Testing Program meets the state standard and p Gentile (total <br />local requirements. A student who scores at the 24th percentile, u then meet <br />Two, or below enters ters Phase <br />Phase Two. In Phase Two, a student is tested for mastery of the co <br />below. The State Board of Education will develop the Phase Two test and set <br />scare. Students who do not achieve the mastery score will b competencies listed <br />successfully attend a summer program in which they will have the mastery <br />the competencies specified, a retained, unless they <br />another chance to develop <br />Those who demonstrate mastery will have met state standards and may <br />they have also met local requirements. Y be promoted if <br />Phase Three. The State will fund the costs of teachers and transpor tion <br />summer programs. The same child nutrition program provided during-the regular school <br />Year may be provided students in the remedial summer � needed for the <br />teacher will determine whether, at the end of the summer am Program, principal and the <br />mastered the specified competencies. For handicapped p gram, a student has <br />decision in consultation with the teacher and school-based il committee. ep opal will make the <br />35 <br />