Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> b. Receipt of SolSmart Silver Level Designation <br /> The Board received an award given to Orange County from the SolSmart program in <br /> recognition of attaining Silver level designation for the County's efforts related to solar energy, <br /> and recognized staff in Planning and Inspections and Asset Management Services for their <br /> efforts to reduce barriers to responsible solar energy growth. <br /> Brennan Bouma, Orange County Sustainability Coordinator, said SolSmart is a national <br /> recognition and technical support program to help governments lower the costs for businesses <br /> and residents to invest in solar energy. SolSmart is supported by a broad collaboration that <br /> includes International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the National <br /> Association of Counties (NACo) with funding from the US Department of Energy's SunShot <br /> Initiative. <br /> Orange County began working towards SolSmart designation in February of this year and, in <br /> March, applied jointly with the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro for a SolSmart Advisor to <br /> provide six (6) months of free, full-time technical assistance. The application was successful <br /> and the three (3)jurisdictions shared a team of solar experts from the NC Clean Energy <br /> Technology Center at NC State. <br /> Working with this SolSmart technical advisory team, the three (3)jurisdictions worked <br /> independently on distinct issues and jointly on topics of shared interest. For example, the <br /> Advisor was able to rank order the best Orange County facility rooftops for potential <br /> investments in solar power as well as to organize joint trainings on solar for building inspectors. <br /> Though continued work of the Planning and Inspections Department and the Sustainability <br /> Coordinator, by July the County had attained the Silver level designation. <br /> The Board received the award on behalf of the County from the SolSmart program in <br /> recognition of their Silver level designation and recognized staff in Planning and Inspections <br /> and Asset Management Services for their efforts to reduce barriers to responsible solar energy <br /> growth. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is a reason that Hillsborough was not involved. <br /> Brennan Bouma said all communities across the nation are invited to apply for this <br /> designation, and Orange County and Chapel Hill and Carrboro were ready to act on this at the <br /> same time. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the County reached out to Hillsborough. <br /> Brennan Bouma said no. <br /> Commissioner Price said to please invite the Town of Hillsborough to participate in such <br /> events next time. <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. North Carolina Community Transportation Program Administrative and Capital <br /> Grant Applications FY 2019 <br /> The Board considered: 1. Conducting a public hearing to receive comments on the <br /> proposed grant application; 2. Closing the public hearing; 3. Approving the Community <br /> Transportation Program Grant application for FY 2019 in the total amount of$479,069 with a <br /> local match total of$56,719 to be provided when necessary; 4. Authorizing the Chair to sign the <br /> Community Transportation Program Resolution and the Local Share Certification for Funding <br /> form; and 5. Authorizing the Chair and the County Attorney to review and sign the annual <br /> Certifications and Assurances document. <br />