Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> a. Presentation by State Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Officials <br /> on the County's Floodplain Management Program <br /> The Board received formal recognition by FEMA National Flood Insurance Program <br /> (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS), through the State of North Carolina Department of <br /> Emergency Management, designating that Orange County has achieved a CRS rating of 6. <br /> Michael Harvey and Randy Mundt, State Federal Emergency Management Agency <br /> (State FEMA), reviewed the following information: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> Orange County has been a member of the NFIP since approximately 1976. The NFIP offers <br /> flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners if their community participates, <br /> specifically through the adoption and enforcement of regulations designed to mitigate/reduce <br /> flood risk. This includes the adoption of Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) denoting areas <br /> where flooding is a possibility. Through the enforcement of flood damage prevention <br /> regulations, the County requires incorporation of design standards (i.e. elevation of structures <br /> and utilities, installation of flood vents, prohibition of specific activities, prohibition of structures <br /> within the floodplain, etc.) in an effort to reduce the risk of loss during a flood event. <br /> As part of ongoing floodplain management efforts, Orange County is a participant in the CRS <br /> program, a voluntary incentive based program recognizing communities who implement <br /> floodplain management practices exceeding minimum Federal requirements. <br /> Participating communities are ranked in one of ten `CRS classes' with Class 10 being awarded <br /> to those communities choosing to adopt and enforce the minimum Federal floodplain <br /> management standards. <br /> As a community implements additional floodplain management practices, it is possible to <br /> achieve a higher `CRS class' designation thereby contributing to a reduction of flood insurance <br /> premiums for local residents. As of this date the County has a CRS rating of 8, allowing for a <br /> 10% reduction in the typical floodplain insurance premium for local property owners. <br /> Through our continued floodplain management efforts, including: a. Comprehensive outreach <br /> and education including annual information letters to property owners encumbered by identified <br /> floodplain, b. Mapping services, c. Establishment and enforcement of floodplain buffers, d. <br /> Proactive enforcement efforts, and e. Willing community partners the County's CRS rating has <br /> been lowered to 6 meaning a further reduction in flood insurance premiums. <br /> Randy Mundt, NC Outreach Coordinator, made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> Orange County <br /> Community Rating System <br /> Class 6 <br /> October 17, 2017 <br /> Goals of the CRS <br /> Encourage, Recognize, and Reward Communities that: <br /> ➢ Reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property; <br /> ➢ Strengthen and support insurance aspects of the NFIP; <br /> ➢ Foster comprehensive floodplain management. <br /> CRS Quick Facts <br />