Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Commissioner Rich said there is ongoing discussion about sidewalks, and bike and <br /> pedestrian paths. She asked if perhaps the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) should <br /> consider again Orange County's role in this issue. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she would like to know the date of the next NCDOT luncheon, <br /> and to secure a date if there is not one already set. She said there are some monies that need <br /> to be spent. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if Chair Dorosin would write a letter to GoTriangle to make <br /> sure that Orange County is included in communications with Chapel Hill regarding the Gateway <br /> property. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the Orange Durham Work Group discussed the request to hire <br /> as many local people as possible, for any and all jobs created pertaining to the Gateway Project <br /> (rail). <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC met three weeks ago with representatives of <br /> GoTriangle, and the Board asked how many local subcontractors have been hired. He said <br /> GoTriangle has provided no answer at this time. He said at the Durham Chapel Hill work <br /> group, the possibility of providing job training for local residents was discussed. He said to the <br /> best of everyone's knowledge, GoTriangle has not communicated with Durham Tech about this. <br /> He said if the Chair is going to write a letter, he should include these unanswered questions. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the Juvenile Criminal Prevention Council reports numbers are <br /> way down, which is encouraging. <br /> Commissioner Rich said Orange County Schools (OCS) is doing "Hidden in Plain Sight," <br /> which CHCCS has also done. She said a teenage bedroom is staged, and parents are invited <br /> to find all the trigger points in the room that may lead to risky behavior. She said 81 things are <br /> hidden in the room. <br /> Commissioner Rich said there is a medicine drop at Cedar Grove Community Center on <br /> October 28, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said the Board of Health (BOH) is interviewing top candidates <br /> for the Health Director position. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the light rail issue, and said he would like <br /> communication to be shared with the County on any station in Orange County, not just the <br /> Gateway station. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he attended the Transit, Orient and Development <br /> presentation and public hearing in Chapel Hill last night. He said it was interesting, and he feels <br /> Orange County should be more involved in this process. He asked if Ben Hitchings, Chapel Hill <br /> Planning and Development Services Director, would provide an update at an upcoming BOCC <br /> meeting. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos attended a Family Success Alliance (FSA) meeting yesterday, <br /> and he reported on this meeting. He discussed food insecurity, noting that the national average <br /> is 18%, but it is 40% for the children with whom the FSA works. <br /> Chair Dorosin said Reverend Nixon is retiring from his present church, and the church <br /> has asked if Orange County would write a letter and have a representative to attend. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus. <br /> Commissioner Price said it was noticed at the TARPO meetings, that different <br /> Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) had different recommendations. She suggested <br /> that this topic be discussed further by the BOCC. <br /> Chair Dorosin suggested she talk to the MPO representatives first and report back to <br /> the BOCC. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br />