Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said these spaces are always available for anyone using the <br /> parking deck. She said they have agreed for library patron space designations during the day. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked if increasing construction costs are a concern for this <br /> building. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff will design the building with the Town of Carrboro to the <br /> budget that is available. She said the project will not go out to bid if there is an indication that <br /> the costs will go over budget. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is a stipulation in the agreement that the parking <br /> will be free, and if it could be switched to paid parking later on, should Carrboro so choose. <br /> John Roberts said there is a provision that Carrboro can charge for access to the deck, <br /> and in that event, Orange County can separate its library parking in the deck from the paid <br /> portion. He said he is not sure how this will work out, and would need further discussion in the <br /> future <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said this same process occurred in the Hillsborough parking <br /> deck, and created a great deal of problems, as it was not anticipated. He said if it is possible <br /> that Carrboro will do this at some point, there must be a thorough discussion between all <br /> involved. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the Town Manager says there is currently no indication that <br /> this change will be made, but future boards cannot be bound. She said if the change did occur, <br /> library patrons could have cards stamped if need be. <br /> Commissioner Price said the agreement talks about the County parking spaces being <br /> made available to the Town when the library is closed, and she wants to make sure that the <br /> Town will not charge people to park in the County spaces. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said there is no indication, at this time, that this would happen. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there was no anticipation of the problems that arose in the <br /> Hillsborough deck, and the issue should be clarified. He said it is important to maintain control <br /> of the Orange County parking spaces. <br /> John Roberts said this deck is not like Hillsborough's parking deck situation, as this <br /> agreement provides that Orange County will have a condominium ownership of its parking <br /> spaces. He said the County will reserve the right to isolate its parking spaces. <br /> John Roberts said this is still an ongoing discussion between attorneys. He said this is <br /> not the final draft since there are minor clarification changes to this document such as: <br /> • Article 3, Section G: the last sentence, "the Town shall be responsible for design and <br /> construction administration pursuant to an interlocal agreement between the parties, <br /> allocating costs," has been deleted, and the words "construction administration" has bee <br /> added to article 4, section A. He said there will not be another interlocal agreement. <br /> • Article 3, Section H: the last sentence, "the parties shall share the cost of such <br /> remediation equally, referring to hazardous substances remediation if there be any on <br /> that property," has been deleted. He said the Town has agreed to take those costs on. <br /> He said the County would be responsible for anything it releases onto the property after <br /> this agreement is signed. <br /> • Article 3, Sections L and M: the parking references have been changed to include both <br /> onsite ground parking, and parking deck spaces. <br /> • Article 8, Section A: first sentence has been deleted. <br /> John Roberts said these are the substantive changes. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the Town and County Attorneys will review this again, but <br /> the BOCC will not. <br />