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14 <br /> days after the formal schematic design to evaluate more specific cost estimates, negotiate final <br /> appropriate cost allocations, and benefit from ongoing value engineering practices. Should <br /> agreement not be reached during this time, each Party has the ability to terminate the <br /> Development Agreement with no recourse other than the absorption of assigned design and <br /> related costs up to that point in time. <br /> 3. On-Site Parking. Adequate parking for the project is contemplated to be provided in some <br /> combination of on and off site facilities. The Agreement provides an understanding that a <br /> satisfactory proportion of on-site parking be allocated to the Orange County Southern Branch <br /> Library during normal operating hours. <br /> 4. Friends of the Orange County Southern Branch Library discussions. Discussions with <br /> the leadership of the Friends organization on capital and in-kind service contributions to the <br /> Project and its ongoing Library operations. <br /> 29 <br /> The estimated development timeline for this project is as follows: <br /> • Development Agreement execution* Oct, 2017 <br /> • Joint designer RFQ selection process with Carrboro* Oct-Nov, 2017 ' <br /> • Design and land use permitting process Nov, 2017 - May, 2018 <br /> • Schematic design and cost allocations* est. Jan, 2018 <br /> • Construction bidding process May-June, 2018 <br /> • Bid award, construction contract*Aug, 2018 <br /> • Construction period Sept, 2018 — Sept, 2019 <br /> • Occupation, Opening Fall, 2019 <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br /> The Board previously appropriated $1,172,000 for this Capital Project and contemplates an <br /> additional $6,375,000 within the FY2018-19 and FY2019-20 capital budgeting cycles. These <br /> project funds address design, construction, equipment, furnishings, and library materials. There <br /> are adequate funds already appropriated for professional design services funds to conduct the <br /> County's portion of the necessary design processes within the Development Agreement. <br /> Contemplated construction and equipment funds for future capital project cycles are adequate <br /> for the County's portion within the Development Agreement. <br /> Carrboro is prepared to appropriate $10,000,000 for its portions of the project and has also <br /> appropriated adequate funds for its portion of the design costs. The County anticipates making <br /> its funds available on a reimbursement basis to Carrboro in accordance with the Development <br /> Agreement and other governing documents. The contemplated total capital project cost for the <br /> entire development is estimated at $15,000,000. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a plan in place to pay for any necessary street <br /> improvements. <br /> Jeff Thompson said onsite and offsite costs would be shared equally between Carrboro <br /> and Orange County, as highlighted in Exhibit c. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if ADA accessibility could be included in the design process. <br /> Jeff Thompson said yes. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the Town parking spaces will be available for library <br /> patrons on the weekend. <br />