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10 <br /> All EDTAP service recipients are required to provide a copay/fare of$3 per one- <br /> way trip. <br /> ➢ The RGP allocation of$71,537 will continue to provide rural general public <br /> transportation on a seat-available basis on three "flexible" fixed routes (one <br /> Hillsborough area route, and two transfer routes from the Chapel Hill area). The <br /> RGP segment requires a 10% local match ($7153.70), which OCPT has <br /> incorporated into its FY 2018 budget. <br /> ➢ The EMPL allocation of$30,946 will be made available for the Department of <br /> Social Services trips, assisting former Work First passengers and other low- <br /> income persons certified for Medicaid or Food Stamps with employment related <br /> transportation needs. <br /> C —2017-2018 ROAP Allocation Table <br /> • Orange County Public Transportation is the lead agency for public and human services <br /> transportation in Orange County. <br /> • This ROAP grant application gives Orange County access to funding that supports vital <br /> transportation services for our elderly passengers and persons with disabilities. The <br /> transportation services provided under this grant will help facilitate economic self- <br /> sufficiency by expanding transportation options for people exhibiting the greatest need. <br /> Recommendations <br /> The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> • Approve the application for Rural Operating Assistance Program and accept funding <br /> totaling $185,949 for FY2018; and <br /> • Authorize the County Manager and County Finance Officer to sign the Certified <br /> Statement of Participation. <br /> Questions <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the elderly who are on fixed incomes, and asked if there <br /> are any provisions to waive the fee for this portion of the population. <br /> Theo Letman said the fare was imposed by Orange County, and it is not required. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is a process to waive the fare or provide assistance <br /> in paying the fare. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said this is a County policy, as opposed to a requirement of the <br /> grant, and staff could review this. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if Orange Public Transit (OPT) is still operating the deviated <br /> fixed routes to Efland, Cedar Grove, Northern Orange, etc. <br /> Theo Letman said yes, although this is being done slower than expected, due to a staff <br /> member being on extended medical leave. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> the Board to: <br /> 1. Approve the application for Rural Operating Assistance Program and accept funding <br /> totaling $185,949 for FY 2018; and <br /> 2. Authorize the County Manager and County Finance Officer to sign the Certified <br /> Statement of Participation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />