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49 <br /> II. Procedures for Lands Legacy Sites. These procedures address requests to visit, <br /> cvaluatc, conduct field rcc rch, or construct any typc of structure on sites that arc <br /> hcld in fee-simple and managcd by thc Lands Lcgacy Program. This policy docs not <br /> covcr firms or persons that arc undcr contract to perform design, research or <br /> construction activitics for thc County on these sites (such as park engineering or <br /> Managcr or dcsigncc will: <br /> A. Advise thc person(s) inquiring that thc County has a proccss for evaluating <br /> such requests, and will do so as soon as practicable. <br /> B. Upon receipt of a rcqucst, thc County Managcr or dcsigncc will be informcd of <br /> the inquiry. <br /> C. Depending of the type of request, the County Manager or designee will: <br /> 1 . Inform appropriate dcpartmcntal staff (thc Land Conservation Manager, <br /> •• . - <br /> othcr entities (County Manager, Assct Management Director, or other <br /> rclatcd dcpartmcnt head) to advise of the rcqucst and solicit fccdback; <br /> aver <br /> 3. Consider the implications and desirability of the rcqucst and formulate an <br /> appropriate response <br /> D. The County Manager or dcsigncc will apprise other departmental staff of thc <br /> _ - • •-e - __ - - •e _ •--.ed inform the County Manager, A: ct <br /> request). <br /> E. In general, rcqucsts for site visits and field reconnaissance will be approved by <br /> thc County Manager or dcsigncc. Requests for construction, intcnsivc <br /> research, any type of earth-moving or digging, testing or use of other <br /> cquipmcnt brought to the site will be shared with the County Manager and <br /> other rclatcd dcpartmcnt heads as above. Thcsc typcs of rcqucsts may require <br /> a longer consideration time prior to a response. <br /> F. The person(s) making the rcqucst will be informcd of the answer, apprised of <br /> any parameters or conditions within which the requcst may be granted, and <br /> provided any waivcr forms or othcr paperwork rcquircd bcforc the activity may <br /> Orange County Facilities Use Policy <br /> I 09/01/2011 Orange County Facilities Use Policy <br /> 11/02/2017 Amendment—Recommended by Facilities Use Policy Work Group <br /> Page 26 of 28 <br />