Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> 1 John Roberts said he does not know of any authority the Sheriff would have to require a <br /> 2 deputy to be present, but he would follow up on this question. <br /> 3 Commissioner Jacobs said there was a cluster of questions raised about how Orange <br /> 4 County government communicates, and the County needs to address these. He suggested <br /> 5 that staff does not have enough time, and perhaps this should be addressed during the budget <br /> 6 process. He said documents could be put up in a timely manner; have more people monitor <br /> 7 events; improve this process to their constituents. <br /> 8 Commissioner Jacobs said the question of how the Board of Adjustment is legally <br /> 9 represented should be discussed before the winter break. <br /> 10 Commissioner Marcoplos said with the issue of communication, the landowner should <br /> 11 be required to communicate to the neighborhoods rather than relying solely on the County. He <br /> 12 said he doubts the County can remove weddings from the list of permissible events, but would <br /> 13 like to learn more about who makes such determinations. He said he would like to know what <br /> 14 other states around the country have done successfully regarding this type of legislation. <br /> 15 Commissioner Price said she thinks the exclusion of weddings would go against the <br /> 16 legislation, but she would like to know what parameters the County may be able to enforce. <br /> 17 Commissioner Rich said get examples of how other counties handle these types of <br /> 18 venues and issues. <br /> 19 Chair Dorosin said there is State component to this, and the community needs to take <br /> 20 concerns to Raleigh as well. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 3. Adjournment <br /> 23 <br /> 24 A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> 25 adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Mark Dorosin, Chair <br /> 30 <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Donna Baker <br /> 33 Clerk to the Board <br /> 34 <br /> 35 <br /> 36 <br /> 37 INTRODUCTION AND MEETING PURPOSE <br /> 38 The Board of Commissioners directed staff to conduct this meeting to listen to residents, to <br /> 39 learn about concerns, and share some basic information about agritourism, the Orange County <br /> 40 Unified Development Ordinance, the statutory limitations on the County's authority, and the <br /> 41 Board's polices on agritourism. <br /> 42 This meeting is not a hearing on any particular situation, a forum for offering comment and/or <br /> 43 updates on pending litigation, nor is this a question and answer session. Rather this meeting is <br /> 44 an opportunity to improve communications and develop some shared understandings about <br /> 45 County policies and the limitations of those policies. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 AGRITOURISM LEGAL SUMMARY <br /> 48 Agritourism is a state and nationally recognized means of providing farmers the opportunity to <br /> 49 generate streams of income outside the traditional production of crops or livestock. Many <br /> 50 states have laws that authorize agritourism activities in conjunction with or related to traditional <br />