Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 The 1870 Farm owner has made no attempt to farm his land but does continue to aggressively <br /> 2 promote and produce income by hosting parties of all sorts plus children's camps, a daycare <br /> 3 business, "school's out" childcare, "farm" tours, gem mining (!), and more. Party tents and a <br /> 4 party barn are located approximately 150 yards from our living room where the sounds of <br /> 5 partying crowds, amplified music, and fireworks/cannon explosions disturb our peaceful <br /> 6 lifestyle. The noise of party set-up, disc jockey voices, booming bass, and screaming <br /> 7 partygoers cannot be escaped from our home. On any given day, we have no choice but to <br /> 8 listen to gleeful screaming produced by the different groups that are hosted at the "farm". When <br /> 9 sitting on our deck it sounds much like we are living in the middle of a public park. And, it is not <br /> 10 unusual for visitors to drive or walk onto our property during parties and other gatherings. <br /> 11 Unfortunately, the Orange County Noise Ordinance is not meant to regulate the type of ongoing <br /> 12 and erratic noises that we endure even though we have tried to get some help by that route. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 We are quiet folks who are committed to being courteous neighbors. My husband and I implore <br /> 15 our County Commissioners and Planning/Zoning staff to support us, and others whose lifestyles <br /> 16 and investments are threatened by Party Barns, by enforcing zoning and environmental <br /> 17 ordinances for non-farm property uses. Farm numbers were meant to help real farmers not <br /> 18 businesses such as 1870 "Farm" which operate in neighborhoods where peace, quiet, and <br /> 19 property values are being compromised. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 We request that you respond and let us know what options are available to our neighbors and <br /> 22 to us. It is our hope that County Officials will view the problem of Party Barns impacting the lives <br /> 23 of unsuspecting citizens as one that must be resolved in favor of the neighbors. This problem is <br /> 24 not going away since farm numbers can be acquired outside of the County governance but, so <br /> 25 far, are honored by the County to support fake farms. Please consider inspections of Orange <br /> 26 County agri-tourism farms to confirm that the agri-tourism portion is a supplement to actual <br /> 27 farming. Then, follow up by shutting down such businesses that do not fit that definition. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Hopefully, <br /> 30 Dianne and Richard Lawrence <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Commissioner McKee said he heard two repeated questions: define what an event is, <br /> 33 and what events count toward the allowable 12 events per year for the rural special event <br /> 34 designation. <br /> 35 Commissioner McKee said he would like to know how the number of people at these <br /> 36 events is monitored, and how to make sure that an event is following its application. <br /> 37 Chair Dorosin listed the questions to which he would like further information: <br /> 38 • Rural special event: what qualifies; what notification is given to neighbors and when; <br /> 39 how events are monitored events; the 12 events, and can events be spaced out. <br /> 40 • Enforcement and violation consequences <br /> 41 • What parameters can they put on the # of people, and what kind of authority do they <br /> 42 have to put parameters around events and times. <br /> 43 • Noise ordinance- work session on this and get information from Sheriff about this and <br /> 44 how they monitored and measured; and practice when complaint is received and <br /> 45 cumulative reporting. <br /> 46 • Fire Safety- get more information from Fire Marshal <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Commissioner Jacobs asked John Roberts if the Sheriff can require a deputy to attend <br /> 49 events of a certain size. <br />