Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 1 John Roberts said those items are listed on the Department of Agriculture's website as <br /> 2 agritourism activities. <br /> 3 Commissioner Price asked if these uses are defined in the law. <br /> 4 John Roberts said the law is very broad, and does not list any specific uses. He said the <br /> 5 list from the website are examples of what that broad language can include. <br /> 6 Craig Benedict, Planning Director, referred to a slide and said these items are not <br /> 7 subject to zoning, and the majority of their topic tonight does not fall under zoning, though some <br /> 8 events may. He said the definition has broadened as related to agritourism, and he said this is <br /> 9 to allow more agritourism activities, but the line is still blurred. <br /> 10 Craig Benedict said there are some items that are subject to zoning. <br /> 11 Craig Benedict said rural special events with less than 20 people are an unregulated <br /> 12 activity. He said there is no specific prohibition in the code for activities of less than 20 people, <br /> 13 and therefore, it is an acceptable use. <br /> 14 Craig Benedict said rural special events are for activities on bona fide farms with more <br /> 15 than 20 and less than 150 people, with less than or equal to 12 events per year. He said <br /> 16 changes in the law made pre-empt rural special events, but the County has had this in place for <br /> 17 the last 20 years. <br /> 18 Craig Benedict said residents submit applications for rural special events, and must <br /> 19 meet the criteria for a bona fide farm, as stated by the State statutes. He said the County asks <br /> 20 for a description of the event, the timing, attendance, parking, etc. He said events are allowed <br /> 21 in different zoning districts: agricultural/residential; rural buffer; agricultural service areas. He <br /> 22 said these events can go beyond these areas and beyond 150 people if one of the following is <br /> 23 applied for: an agricultural service enterprise rezoning; or master plan development conditional <br /> 24 zoning. He said these types of zoning go before the Planning Board and the BOCC. <br /> 25 Craig Benedict said there are time frames that can be set during rural special events. <br /> 26 He said if there are any building permit, fire marshal or food vending permits that are <br /> 27 necessary, these will be noted in the existing zoning regulations. He said some rules from the <br /> 28 last legislation state that the building and fire departments may have some of their powers <br /> 29 withdrawn from these agritourism activities. He said the way these rules may affect County- <br /> 30 zoning regulations is being investigated. <br /> 31 Craig Benedict said 15-20 years ago, the farm code was available for farmers and farm <br /> 32 hands, and when the public entered the site, it fell into the public realm and regulations that had <br /> 33 to do with building code, fire marshal, etc. He said this has changed, and much of this is now <br /> 34 exempt. <br /> 35 Craig Benedict said when there are rural special events, staff does monitor them, and <br /> 36 staff is also available to hear of any concerns from neighbors. He said there are processes in <br /> 37 place to better define the blurred line between those subject to zoning and those not. <br /> 38 Chair Dorosin clarified that the rural special event block on the chart only applies if the <br /> 39 property in question is not in the top block on the slide. <br /> 40 Craig Benedict said yes. He said many more items are falling into the top block than did <br /> 41 just six months ago. <br /> 42 Chair Dorosin said the BOCC is here to listen to the community this evening. He said <br /> 43 the BOCC wants to gain a better understanding of how to create balance between economic <br /> 44 opportunities for farmers, and protecting surrounding areas from the secondary impacts of <br /> 45 these uses. He said the goal of this evening is to gather information from the staff and the <br /> 46 public, refer questions to staff, and provide answers at a later date. He said all comments and <br /> 47 concerns are welcomed and valuable. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 b. Public Comment- The Board of Commissioners will seek public input on how, within the <br /> 50 confines of its legislative authority, it may best achieve a balance between expanding <br />