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9 <br /> 1 Discussion on this item was integrated with the item below: <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Attachment 3 —Orange County Demographic Report-Another Aspect of Equity: <br /> 4 Composition of Our Town and County Advisory Boards <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Chair Dorosin said Attachment 3 is a report from Allison DeMarco, FPG Child <br /> 7 Development Institute, that was sent to the County and the Towns. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price said when people of different cultural backgrounds apply they are <br /> 9 often overlooked in favor of applicants that have personal connections to the BOCC. She said <br /> 10 diversity must include the willingness to have people who think differently than the BOCC, even <br /> 11 if it means disagreeing. <br /> 12 Commissioner Marcoplos said more applicants are needed in general. <br /> 13 Commissioner Jacobs said just because an applicant has certain characteristics does <br /> 14 not mean they are qualified. He said he reviews many variables when considering applicants. <br /> 15 He said the review in Attachment 3 shows the BOCC does a fairly good job representing the <br /> 16 population. He said the BOCC tries to diversify whenever possible. <br /> 17 Commissioner Rich said she will sometimes call applicants and ask why the applicant <br /> 18 wants to be on the board. She said if the applications are not put forth it is difficult to facilitate <br /> 19 diversity. She said she does not know the solution. <br /> 20 Commissioner Jacobs said the pool of candidates is small. He said the Clerk's office <br /> 21 does a lot to advertise, but maybe there are more creative ways. He said Twitter may be a <br /> 22 good resource. <br /> 23 Chair Dorosin said the BOCC gets recommendations from some of the boards, and <br /> 24 wonders if the board chairs have been told of the BOCC's commitment to diversity and <br /> 25 inclusion. <br /> 26 Commissioner McKee said he and Commissioner Jacobs met with the board chairs <br /> 27 three or four years ago, and highlighted that topic. <br /> 28 Commissioner Burroughs said those conversations cannot happen often enough. <br /> 29 Thom Freeman asked if it would be helpful to notify the BOCC when an opening is <br /> 30 available. <br /> 31 Chair Dorosin said the Board members are trying to drum up applicants any time they <br /> 32 can. He said he shares the PSAs with his university students. <br /> 33 Commissioner Marcoplos said he tries to spread the word often as well, and there is no <br /> 34 magic bullet to improve the diversity. He said the need must be repeatedly put forth to the <br /> 35 public. <br /> 36 Commissioner Jacobs said for a few years the Chair/Vice Chair, the Manager and the <br /> 37 Clerk met annually with the advisory board chairs, which was useful. <br /> 38 Commissioner Jacobs said the Master Aging Plan included a request for seniors to be <br /> 39 more present on advisory boards. <br /> 40 John Roberts said the applications are public records, and birthdays are confidential <br /> 41 information. He said it may be appropriate to ask someone's age for a youth/senior designated <br /> 42 position. <br /> 43 Chair Dorosin said existing boards could be surveyed to assess current age diversity, <br /> 44 but having birthdates/age on the application is likely problematic. <br /> 45 Commissioner Price said it is important to let people know that all meetings are open to <br /> 46 the public. <br /> 47 Thom Freeman said he receives a lot of phone calls about the boards, and he suggests <br /> 48 that all potential applicants read about each board and attend meetings. <br />