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7 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to review the Board of Health bylaws, and <br /> 2 amend the rule about previous employees not being able to serve on the Board of Health <br /> 3 (BOH), especially if the employee served under a different director. <br /> 4 Chair Dorosin clarified that the BOCC can only make requests of the BOH, and cannot <br /> 5 make any requirements. <br /> 6 John Roberts said that is correct. He said he reviewed the bylaws of several Boards of <br /> 7 Health, and they generally follow the School of Government recommendations, which does not <br /> 8 include the previous employee stipulation. He said he spoke with the a professor at the School <br /> 9 of Government, who recommended that the Attorney speak to the BOH asking them to specify <br /> 10 that this is not mandatory as applies to Commissioner appointments. He said he did so, but <br /> 11 does not know if the BOH followed through. <br /> 12 Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC has a representative on the Board of Health who <br /> 13 can follow up on this issue. <br /> 14 Chair Dorosin asked John Roberts if he would review the bylaws of the Department of <br /> 15 Social Services (DSS) and the BOH, and report back to the Board. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 <br /> 18 2. Partial Terms <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Attachment 2-Advisory Board Eligibility- for Partial Terms <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Chair Dorosin said Attachment B in their agenda abstract shows a flow chart of the <br /> 23 appointment process that the Clerk's office uses and Attachment C explains how terms are set. <br /> 24 He said the policy currently states that one can serve two 3-year terms. He suggested that <br /> 25 appointments to partial terms should not count towards that allowance. <br /> 26 Thom Freeman said anything less than two years is considered partial service, and if <br /> 27 one serves two years or more, it counts as the first of the allowable two 3-year terms. He said <br /> 28 this is written in the policy. <br /> 29 Commissioner Jacobs said he had a concern with the Board of Health since it decided <br /> 30 to follow state statute and go from two 3-year terms to three 3-year terms. He would like to see <br /> 31 consistency, unless the Board of Health (BOH) comes to the BOCC to ask for an exception. <br /> 32 Commissioner Burroughs said the Board of Health made this change somewhat <br /> 33 recently. She said three terms is consistent with other BOHs around the state. <br /> 34 Commissioner Price said she thought there were a few other boards that are not aligned <br /> 35 with the County policy. <br /> 36 Thom Freeman said the Adult Care Home Advisory Committee has three two-year terms <br /> 37 and others have two three year terms. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 John Roberts said there are some state boards that set the term limits, and other <br /> 40 advisory boards set their own policy that may differ from the main policy. <br /> 41 Chair Dorosin said the purpose of the discussion was to try and bring some consistency. <br /> 42 He said two 3-year terms, or three 2-year terms both equal 6 years, but the boards that fall <br /> 43 under BOCC domain should have some consistency. He asked if staff would provide a list of all <br /> 44 current term policies for all boards. <br /> 45 Commissioner Burroughs asked if there is a reason that consistency is needed. <br /> 46 Chair Dorosin asked if there is any merit in having shorter or longer terms. He asked if <br /> 47 the goal is consistency so that people can get up to speed on the board on which they serve, or <br /> 48 is the goal turnover. He said he would favor two 2-year terms. <br /> 49 David Hunt said some boards have training requirements that must be met prior to being <br /> 50 able to serve on the board. <br />