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20 <br /> 1 is her understanding from staff, that in order to achieve this, the designation must be changed <br /> 2 from rural buffer to ETJ. She said she would prefer staffs to work together and achieve this <br /> 3 goal under the "essential public services" definition to allow bathrooms in public park facilities. <br /> 4 She said the Town has no interest in damaging or changing the rural buffer. She said there are <br /> 5 five entities that need to agree in order to move forward, and there are public-private <br /> 6 partnership opportunities for funding. <br /> 7 Mayor Hemminger said the Town has had no discussions about the parcel on the <br /> 8 southern end of the County. <br /> 9 Commissioner McKee asked if there is a reason the letter in the packet cannot be sent <br /> 10 anyway, or will it lock the Board in to something. <br /> 11 John Roberts said he does not interpret the letter as an approval to expand the ETJ, <br /> 12 and if the Board votes on the letter this evening, that will start the public hearing process, <br /> 13 allowing Chapel Hill to gather more information. <br /> 14 Commissioner Burroughs said the letter shows support for the Town in setting a public <br /> 15 hearing for the extension. <br /> 16 Mayor Hemminger said it was not the Town's intention to hold a public hearing on <br /> 17 changing the terminology from rural buffer to ETJ. She said it would be nice for the BOCC to <br /> 18 write a letter expressing support of County and Town staff working together on the issue, and to <br /> 19 take this letter to the AOG. <br /> 20 Commissioner Rich said the letter needs to be re-written to focus on a path forward for <br /> 21 these properties. <br /> 22 Mayor Hemminger said sending the letter as it stands would give the community reason <br /> 23 to believe that the Town intends to hold a public hearing about whether or not to keep the rural <br /> 24 buffer, which is not the Town's intent. <br /> 25 Commissioner Jacobs said to re-write the letter and re-submit it to the Board prior to <br /> 26 sending it to the Town of Chapel Hill. <br /> 27 Commissioner Jacobs asked Perdita Holtz if she could clarify the effect of going from <br /> 28 rural buffer to ETJ, as pertains to the control of the property. <br /> 29 Perdita Holtz said it would change the property from County jurisdiction to Town <br /> 30 jurisdiction, and the Town would extend zoning districts over the property via a public hearing. <br /> 31 Commissioner Jacobs suggested doing this very cautiously, as there is no plan in place <br /> 32 for a park or the land in general. He said discussing the extension of water and sewer, as well <br /> 33 as possibilities for the land is a starting point. He said the County can approve its own park, <br /> 34 while the Town has different standards. He said he is not comfortable having a process in <br /> 35 which the Board indicates its willingness to move a County parcel into someone else's <br /> 36 jurisdiction, until the intended use for the parcel is very clear. <br /> 37 Mayor Hemminger said Commissioner Jacobs' words capture the spirit of the topic, but <br /> 38 she would like to know if staff can work on a definition of"essential public services". She said <br /> 39 the Town wants to work with the County. <br /> 40 Commissioner Marcoplos said he generally agreed with Commissioner Jacobs, and he <br /> 41 finds the Sunrise Road site to be simple. He said he would like to see more data on the water <br /> 42 and sewer issue. He said the Millhouse Road area is a prime location for a transfer station, but <br /> 43 he sees the possibility for this narrowing, and he would like to discuss this further. <br /> 44 Commissioner Jacobs said he is amenable to this discussion, but he heard this area is <br /> 45 only big enough for Chapel Hill. He said now is a more amenable time to discuss the transfer <br /> 46 station issue. He said this was discussed 10 years ago, and the area was still considered part <br /> 47 of the Rogers Road community. He said the topic has been mentioned in several BOCC <br /> 48 meetings, and he is shocked that no one has come forward to speak about the issue. <br />