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DocuSign Envelope ID:A824226C-8DDB-4DD9-83EC-DD32AAD99084 <br /> Page 6 of 12 <br /> d. A fasting blood glucose score of 100 to 125mg/dI, <br /> e. An Ale test resulting in a level of 5.7-6.4 percent,or <br /> f. Clinically diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus during a previous pregnancy(may be self- <br /> reported) <br /> From the population screened for prediabetes,refer 100%of eligible people to the MDPP <br /> and refer 100%of persons whose screening numbers indicate diabetes into diabetes self- <br /> management education programs. Document all referrals and include the number of referrals <br /> made in the performance reports <br /> 6. Enroll a minimum of 75 people total into the Minority Diabetes Prevention Program 12-month <br /> Lifestyle Class series which are to begin during this Agreement Addendum's Service Period and <br /> ensure that no less than 75%of the MDPP participants are members of racial/ethnic minority groups. <br /> The CDC requires that all Lifestyle Class participants be 18 years of age or older and have a body <br /> mass index(BMI)of 2224 kg/m(>22 kg/m, if Asian).In addition,a minimum of 50%of a program's <br /> participants must have had a recent(within the past year)blood test(may be self-reported),a <br /> medical claim code indicating they have prediabetes,or a history of gestational diabetes mellitus <br /> (GDM),according to one of the following specifications): <br /> a. Plasma glucose measured 2 hours after a 75 gm glucose load,with a result of 140 to 199 <br /> mg/dl <br /> b. A fasting blood glucose score of 100 to 125mg/d1, <br /> c. An Ale test resulting in a level of 5.7-6.4 percent,or <br /> d. Clinically diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus during a previous pregnancy(may be self- <br /> reported) <br /> A maximum of 50%of a program's participants may be considered eligible without a blood test or <br /> history of GDM only if they screen positive for prediabetes based on the CDC Prediabetes Screening <br /> Test or screen positive for diabetes on the hard copy or electronic version of the American Diabetes <br /> Association Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test or on a claims-based risk test.The"CDC Diabetes <br /> Prevention Recognition Program Standards and Operating Procedures" document can be found at <br /> http:/h‘ A description of the curriculum, <br /> handouts and requirements can be found at <br /> program/curriculum.html. <br /> 7. Charge all MDPP participants a one-time fee of$25 unless a scholarship is provided. Scholarships, <br /> in the form of a fee waiver,must be offered to any MDPP participant who finds the participation fee <br /> to be a barrier. Scholarships should be offered on a sliding scale in the amounts of$10,$15 or$20, <br /> depending on need. Lead agencies and their partners can provide scholarships to class participants. <br /> All MDPP participants receiving scholarships are responsible to pay the remaining balance (i.e., if <br /> the participants receive a$20 scholarship,he or she shall pay the remaining$5 balance)of the one- <br /> time fee. Organizations not affiliated with the Lead agency and their partners can provide a <br /> sponsorship voucher in the amount of$25 to cover the one-time class fee. Sponsored MDPP <br /> participants must complete the Readiness to Change Questionnaire,administered by staff of the non- <br /> affiliated organization, and have a score that reflects readiness to change.DPH will provide the <br /> Readiness to Change Questionnaire. <br /> Revised June 2016 <br />