Agenda - 06-06-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 06-06-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-06-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
6/2/2017 8:08:09 AM
Creation date
11/1/2017 10:15:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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1 Commissioner McKee said those funds would be very different than what the County <br /> 2 receives, which is an allocation of ABC profits. <br /> 3 Commissioner Rich asked if there is a reason for the decrease in the ABC funds to the <br /> 4 schools. <br /> 5 Commissioner McKee said the ABC board allocates funds for each organization that <br /> 6 provides alcohol education. <br /> 7 Todd LoFrese referred to page 2-2, and said CHCCS budgeted $45,300 in 2015-16, and <br /> 8 only received $40,000. He said the budget was revised for 2016-17. He said if the amount <br /> 9 increases, CHCCS will revise the budget. <br /> 10 Commissioner Rich suggested that CHCCS request more funding from the ABC Board. <br /> 11 Steve Halkiotis said historically it stayed around $35,000 for about 25 years. <br /> 12 Commissioner Price said there was a slight difference between the superintendent's <br /> 13 budget and the BOE's request, and asked if there was a reason for this discrepancy. <br /> 14 Dr. Pamela Baldwin said there were initial requests, and the differences were with <br /> 15 personnel. She said the conclusion was to try and fund what is needed and requested by the <br /> 16 schools. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price referred to point 8 in the Budget Assumptions, on page 2-2, and <br /> 18 asked if this could be clarified. <br /> 19 Todd LoFrese said as the County is in the middle of a revaluation, CHCCS made some <br /> 20 budget assumptions in its calculations. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price said the wording was confusing. <br /> 22 Todd LoFrese said the assumption made by CHCCS was based on the current <br /> 23 valuation. <br /> 24 Commissioner Price asked if CHCCS is asking for an increase this year. <br /> 25 Todd LoFrese said the BOE made the motion to authorize the BOCC to increase the <br /> 26 special district tax in order to meet the budget request. He said the increase is based on the <br /> 27 current valuations. <br /> 28 Chair Dorosin asked if the Glenwood renovations increased capacity. <br /> 29 Todd LoFrese said no, as this was a smaller school renovation that provided for <br /> 30 handicap accessibility, a secure front entrance, and flooding and moisture infiltration. He said <br /> 31 the location and condition of Glenwood does not necessarily make it the best candidate for <br /> 32 major renovation. He said the renovations that were done will keep Glenwood running for the <br /> 33 next 10 years, while CHCCS can focus on other schools. <br /> 34 Chair Dorosin said CHCCS currently contracts out evening janitorial and food services <br /> 35 to third parties. He asked if CHCCS plans to ask these companies to ensure their employees <br /> 36 are paid a living wage. <br /> 37 Todd LoFrese said yes. <br /> 38 Chair Dorosin asked if CHCCS has analyzed the possibility of bringing these services in <br /> 39 house. <br /> 40 Todd LoFrese said it is an expectation to conduct an analysis about bringing this in <br /> 41 house. <br /> 42 Chair Dorosin said he would like to see the results of this analysis. He asked if the <br /> 43 contract employees receive health insurance. <br /> 44 Todd LoFrese said that would be determined through the contract negotiation process. <br /> 45 He said the child nutrition contract includes some of the benefits received by full time <br /> 46 employees. He said he is unsure about the evening janitorial employees. <br /> 47 Chair Dorosin said it is important to make sure everyone is treated fairly, and these <br /> 48 details should be looked into. <br /> 49 Andrew Davidson said when the BOE looked at this issue two years ago, there were two <br /> 50 different sets of schools: those with in house services, and those who contracted out janitorial <br />
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