Agenda - 06-06-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 06-06-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-06-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
6/2/2017 8:08:09 AM
Creation date
11/1/2017 10:15:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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1 Recommended annual amount to "regularly upgrade existing facilities' systems, components, <br /> 2 fixtures, equipment and finishes..." <br /> 3 CRV ($192) x Gross Sq Ft (1.4M) x 4% = $10,718,408 for OCS <br /> 4 CRV ($192) x Gross Sq Ft (2.1M) x 4% = $16,379,112 for CHCCS <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Recommended annual amount to make sure buildings are "clean and in good working order.." <br /> 7 CRV ($192) x Gross Sq Ft (1.4M) x 3% = $8,038,806 for OCS <br /> 8 CRV ($192) x Gross Sq Ft (2.1M) x 3% = $12,284,334 for CHCCS <br /> 9 Total Recommended Expenditure Amount: 7% - $47.2 million annually <br /> 10 6% - $40.3 million annually <br /> 11 5% - $33.6 million annually <br /> 12 2016-17 OCS & CHCCS Total Expenditures: 3.7% - $24.7 million annually <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Commissioner McKee referred to the unfunded plan on page 8, and asked if these <br /> 15 projected cost estimates are outside of anything that the bond may cover. <br /> 16 Todd LoFrese said yes. <br /> 17 Commissioner McKee referred to page 9, and the SAPFO projections. He sais CHCCS <br /> 18 are projecting such a low increase in the number of new students, that new schools will not be <br /> 19 needed for 10 years, and this is opposite of what the BOCC was told in the transit plan. <br /> 20 Todd LoFrese said CHCCS is operating at about 98% capacity, and the SAPFO <br /> 21 numbers do not trigger until they hit certain levels. He said over the past few years there has <br /> 22 been a flatness of student growth, but next year CHCCS is expected to grow by 222 students. <br /> 23 Commissioner McKee said the schools' projections are probably more correct. <br /> 24 Andrew Davidson said it is not just the slow enrollment growth, but the fact that there will <br /> 25 be an increase in capacity through some of the construction done with bond funds. <br /> 26 Commissioner McKee referred to the fund balance allocation on page 7, and asked if <br /> 27 the schools are thinking about using excess fund balance on capital projects. <br /> 28 Todd LoFrese said the existing joint policy states that the BOE shall develop a plan for <br /> 29 the use of fund balance that is in excess of 5.5% target. He said as part of that policy, it <br /> 30 recommends that fund balance should be used for one-time expenditures, not recurring budget <br /> 31 needs. He said CHCCS has increasing constructions costs, and is concerned about the project <br /> 32 budgets at Lincoln Center and Chapel Hill High School. He said there is a strong likelihood that <br /> 33 some of the fund balance will need to be contributed to those projects. <br /> 34 Commissioner McKee said these fund balances were accumulated through funding of <br /> 35 operating expenses, and asked if this excess fund balance has been used before for capital <br /> 36 expenses. <br /> 37 Todd LoFrese said CHCCS have used fund balance before for capital expenses, <br /> 38 including the entire Glenwood Elementary project, at $1.2 million. He said the fund balance <br /> 39 increases in a variety of ways: a budget line is under-expended; close fiscal monitoring; and <br /> 40 occasionally there is unexpected revenue. He said there was a sizeable Medicaid <br /> 41 reimbursement one year. <br /> 42 Commissioner Rich referred to page 2.2 in the agenda, and said the ABC revenues <br /> 43 seem to be decreasing. She said Chair Dorosin had worked hard to get more funds for the <br /> 44 County from the ABC revenues, and asked if there is a reason the schools are not seeing that <br /> 45 increase as well. <br /> 46 Todd LoFrese said CHCCS got $45,000 this year. <br /> 47 Commissioner McKee asked if the ABC Money is for special projects like alcohol <br /> 48 education. <br /> 49 Todd LoFrese said yes. <br />
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