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9 <br /> 1 Marcoplos, Commissioner Burroughs); Nays, 2 (Commissioner McKee and Commissioner <br /> 2 Price) <br /> 3 <br /> 4 A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br /> 5 approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Orange County Transit Plan (Attachment D). <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Commissioner Jacobs referred to page 104, the second bullet under further cost cutting, <br /> 8 and made a friendly amendment to remove the option of cutting half the stations in Orange <br /> 9 County as a cost cutting measure. <br /> 10 Patrick McDonough, GoTriangle Manager of Planning and Transit Oriented <br /> 11 Development, said the stations that were listed as cost cutting measures have the lowest <br /> 12 ridership, and he said one station is in Durham County and one is in Orange County. <br /> 13 Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to remove that reference and to delete the <br /> 14 second bullet, which reads "Removing the Hamilton Road and Woodmont stations. This <br /> 15 strategy would negatively affect customers in these station areas, and could affect the New <br /> 16 Starts rating for the DO LRT Project. However, these two stations were selected because they <br /> 17 are among the lowest-ridership stations in current projections, and are both relatively closely <br /> 18 spaced with the Friday Center station." He said including this language infers that the County <br /> 19 would support this as a cost cutting option. He said it may be necessary at some point, but that <br /> 20 would require discussion rather than an upfront inclusion. <br /> 21 Commissioner Rich asked if this change would have to go back to Durham County. <br /> 22 John Talmadge said the language in this plan does not have to go back to Durham, but <br /> 23 the same language is in the appendices of the Durham County Transit Plan. He said the <br /> 24 change could be managed. <br /> 25 Commissioner Rich and Commissioner Burroughs accepted the friendly amendment. <br /> 26 Commissioner McKee said the BOCC has yet to approve the document, and it has <br /> 27 already found a point of disagreement with Durham. He said he will vote to take this language <br /> 28 out, as he has a serious objection to these stations being proposed for removal. <br /> 29 Chair Dorosin clarified that the motion is to approve the plan, with the deletion of the <br /> 30 second bullet point on page 104. <br /> 31 Commissioner McKee said he will vote for the amendment first, and then the plan. <br /> 32 Chair Dorosin said the two items are in the same motion. <br /> 33 Commissioner McKee said he has shared his sentiments. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 VOTE: Ayes, 5 (Chair Dorosin, Commissioner Rich, Commissioner Jacobs, Commissioner <br /> 36 Marcoplos, Commissioner Burroughs); Nays, 2 (Commissioner McKee and Commissioner <br /> 37 Price) <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Chair Dorosin echoed everyone else about the process. He said it has been an <br /> 40 incredible experience with local government and local democracy. He said it is important to <br /> 41 investigate, educate, advocate, and agitate; and all involved have done just this. He thanked <br /> 42 the staff for its diligent efforts, and the BOCC for its commitment to transparency and trust. <br /> 43 Commissioner McKee said this is merely a skirmish and not a battle or the war. He said <br /> 44 the issue moves forward, and he encourages all to stay involved in the discussions. <br /> 45 Commissioner Rich thanked Chair Dorosin and Commissioner Jacobs for their time and <br /> 46 dedication to the negotiations. <br /> 47 Commissioner Price addressed those residents that came out and spoke in opposition <br /> 48 to the plan, and said that these residents were heard. <br /> 49 Chair Dorosin said all voices were heard. <br /> 50 <br />